how do i find this point?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Court Myers, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. Court Myers

    Court Myers Guest

    OK im working on a lisp where the user selects two points and a polyline is
    drawn between the two points and a block is inserted at the end... the
    polyline just touches the block (a circle)..

    here is the code

    (setq ext1 (getpoint "\nSpecify the first point:")
    ext2 (getpoint ext1 "\nSpecify the end point:")
    ext3 (polar ext1 (angle ext1 ext2) (* (scale01) 0.25)))
    (command ".pline" ext1 ext3 "")
    ".insert" block01 ext3 scale01 "" "")

    can you please help

    Court Myers, Jul 6, 2004
  2. At a quick glance -- try removing the second-to-last right-parenthesis. As
    it stands, your insert command isn't inside a (command) function.

    I also wonder whether you really mean to draw the Pline from ext1 to ext2,
    rather than to ext3.

    Kent Cooper, AIA

    Kent Cooper, AIA, Jul 6, 2004
  3. Court Myers

    ECCAD Guest

    (command ".pline" ext1 ext3 "")
    ".insert" block01 ext3 scale01 "" "")
    (command ".pline" ext1 ext3 "")
    (command ".insert" block01 ext3 scale01 "" "")

    ECCAD, Jul 6, 2004
  4. Court Myers

    Court Myers Guest

    Thanks Guys I got it to work here is the code

    (setq ext1 (getpoint "\nSpecify the first point:")
    ext2 (getpoint ext1 "\nSpecify the end point:")
    ext3 (polar ext2 (angle ext1 ext2) (* scale01 0.2656250)))
    (command ".pline" ext1 ext2 "")
    (command ".insert" block01 ext3 scale01 "" "")

    Thanks again
    Court Myers
    Court Myers, Jul 6, 2004
  5. Court Myers

    ECCAD Guest

    (command ".insert" "block01" ext3 scale01 "" "")
    .. double quotes around the blockname, and it has to
    be on a 'support' path..

    ECCAD, Jul 6, 2004
  6. Court Myers

    Court Myers Guest

    OK... now how do i draw more points on the pline and at the end of it it
    inserts the block?
    Court Myers, Jul 6, 2004
  7. Similarly to the approach in the suggestion someone (I don't remember who --
    I already deleted it) made on your other question about the
    closing/filleting of a polyline of indeterminate number of points.

    Kent Cooper, AIA

    Kent Cooper, AIA, Jul 6, 2004
  8. Court Myers

    ECCAD Guest

    Go ahead and do the pline, then, (getvar "lastpoint") will return
    the 'last' point. Calculate your insert point from there.

    ECCAD, Jul 7, 2004
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