How do I dimension a small angle nicely?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Bjorn Ljungdahl, Dec 10, 2004.

  1. Hello,

    I have a problem with angle dimensioning. When I try to
    dimension a small angle, <0.5°, ProE usually gives me
    lengt dimension instead. I very carefully select two lines,
    not line+vertex or vertext+vertex, but I still get a lengt
    If I have a 0.2° angle I could dimension it 89.8° or
    90.2° but I don't want that.
    Can anyone explain to me howto do this, if possible?

    Bjorn Ljungdahl, Dec 10, 2004
  2. Bjorn Ljungdahl

    David Janes Guest

    : Hello,
    : I have a problem with angle dimensioning. When I try to
    : dimension a small angle, <0.5°, ProE usually gives me
    : lengt dimension instead. I very carefully select two lines,
    : not line+vertex or vertext+vertex, but I still get a lengt
    : dimension.
    : If I have a 0.2° angle I could dimension it 89.8° or
    : 90.2° but I don't want that.
    : Can anyone explain to me howto do this, if possible?
    Let me try:
    Start out with the angle larger, even 45 degrees, then drag one leg to the desired
    dimension or modify the dimension value to make it exactly what you want.

    I'm not sure if it could effect the ability to create small, fractional angled
    features, but if the above fails, change the default ANGLE_TOL to a small, several
    decimal place number.
    David Janes, Dec 11, 2004
  3. You can do this by changing the option minimum_angle_dimension
    controls the minimum tolerance under which Pro/ENGINEER assumes colinearity
    for driven dimensions. Setting the option below the angle in question fixed
    this for me..
    gary miglionico, Dec 13, 2004
  4. Thank you for the answers
    Just zooming in didn't work for me, although I only zoomed
    so far that everything went black (background color) and
    then some more.
    I found a parameter that could be added to the,
    minimum_angle_dimension , and set it to 0.01.
    That seems to do the trick. I don't know what the default
    value is.

    Bjorn Ljungdahl, Dec 13, 2004
  5. Bjorn Ljungdahl

    shaun Guest

    Try doing it with the intent manager off!
    shaun, Dec 14, 2004
  6. Bjorn Ljungdahl

    Chris Snook Guest

    Can't you just exaggerate the size of the angle in your sketch - add the
    dimension (if it
    really is important) - and then modify it to the desired value ....

    I hyperexaggerate most sketches.
    Chris Snook, Dec 19, 2004
  7. Bjorn Ljungdahl

    David Janes Guest

    : Can't you just exaggerate the size of the angle in your sketch - add the
    : dimension (if it
    : really is important) - and then modify it to the desired value ....
    : I hyperexaggerate most sketches.

    I do the same thing to stay away from snapping references in sketcher. Both
    methods ~ turning off intent manager and exaggerated dimensions ~ address this.
    But there's a third way, as well. When trying to produce a small angle close to a
    snapping reference, right click to disable 'point on entity' constraint, or any
    other constraint that prevents creating a small angle. This is like turning off
    intent manager, but does it selectively. If you'd like a disabled constraint
    reenabled, right click when it appears again.

    There's also something you can do if you find that end points of lines or centers
    of arcs are jumping to a sketcher reference from what seems like an inch away and
    'stick' hard to the reference: you can turn down the snap strength with the option
    SKETCHER_REL_ACCURACY, another misleadingly named option. I think the relevant
    values are between 1 and zero, .5 being like 50%. With .1, you have to be almost
    on top of a snapping reference before the snap takes place and it 'sticks' only
    weakly to the reference. This sensitivity setting can save a lot of frustration
    with erratic snapping in sketcher. This option may have been around for a while
    but undocumented and I only discovered it in the last year. Given a lot of
    people's frustration with intent manager working poorly, I'd like to popularize
    playing with this option's values to see if it makes it more useful for people.

    David Janes
    : : > Try doing it with the intent manager off!
    : >
    David Janes, Dec 19, 2004
  8. Bjorn Ljungdahl

    Jeff Howard Guest

    .......... FWIW, I find with my setup in
    Hmm. I've had similar problems; it just tells me it can't place the
    dimension. I've sorta got an idea it's related to the pick / highlight /
    pick sequence. Seems if the picks are quick; almost a dbl clk, it will
    fuss, but if I pick, move the cursor away from the arc segment then come
    back in to pre-highlight and pick it works (though it could just be my
    imagination; it's an ever now and then thing). Could be graphics card
    related (?).
    Jeff Howard, Dec 20, 2004
  9. Bjorn Ljungdahl

    Jeff Howard Guest

    .... I've tried slow picking but it
    Don't know for sure, but I think I've tried picking very deliberately
    (slowly) and still got the error (it's kind of random and I'm not sure if I
    see or just imagine a "pattern" to it). I *think* it might hinge on moving
    away from the arc segment so it's not pre-highlighted and then coming back
    in. I could be confused, though. 8~)
    Jeff Howard, Dec 20, 2004
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