how do i create label on 45deg circular chamfer?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by samurai, May 22, 2007.

  1. samurai

    samurai Guest

    I have a circular part, with a, OD at 5.515OD and an ID diameter of
    4.550 with an ID 45deg circular chamfer of .440.
    I need to create the sticker that would go on this circular chamfer,
    the sticker will be 90 deg around the chamfer.

    How do I create the proper geometery for this?

    I can create the label on the surface with extrude and converting the
    OD and ID, then trimmiing away 3/4 of the diameters, the Extrude and
    uncheck merge result, no problem, i have a sticker on the circular
    chamfer surface.

    Now I need to convert the resulting surface to a linear sketch, so it
    can be printed on paper, then cut out and glued to the surface of the

    How do I do this??

    samurai, May 22, 2007

  2. It sounds like you made your label and your circular parts as one multi-body
    part. This probably isn't a good idea. Make your label as a separate part.
    Then you can "add bend" to your label part to turn it into a sheet metal
    part that you can then show as a flat pattern. When you add the bend, pick
    one of the radial edges for the fixed surface or edge.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, May 22, 2007
  3. samurai

    samurai Guest

    How do I do this?? I created the label using a seperate part and
    using the surface of the chamfer, so now I have my label as a seperate
    part, finished as it would be applied to the surface. Should it be
    flat instead? If so, how do i know how long to make it, or the size
    of the square?

    I've never used sheet metal, could you step me through this??

    samurai, May 22, 2007
  4. samurai

    samurai Guest

    Thanks, I figured it out using the sample files for unwrapping a cone
    using sheet metal feature.

    samurai, May 23, 2007

  5. Great! I was pretty terse in my reply, but work is a bit hectic right now.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, May 24, 2007
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