How can I start a procedure in a PopupMenu?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Hartmut Callies, Jul 1, 2004.

  1. Hallo,
    I have with VBA in autocad 2004 write a modul. With the modul I create a

    Sub StartPopupMenu ()
    Dim AcGroup As AcadMenuGroup
    Dim MMenu As AcadPopupMenu
    Dim MItem As AcadPopupMenuItem

    Set AcGroup = Application.MenuGroups ("acad")
    Set MMenu = AcGroup.Menus.Add ("TestMenu")
    Set MItem = MMenu.AddMenuItem (0, "Test", ???????????)
    End Sub

    Sub Test1 ()
    MsgBox "hallo"
    End Sub

    How can I start the procedure Test1 with the command: Set MItem =
    MMenu.AddMenuItem (0, "Test", ???????????) ?
    The procedure StartPopupMenu and Test1 are in the same modul.


    Hartmut Callies
    Hartmut Callies, Jul 1, 2004
  2. Use this as your menu macro:


    And make sure that the sub Test1 is public.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jul 2, 2004
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