How can I move a License??

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Gabito, Aug 15, 2006.

  1. Gabito

    Gabito Guest

    Hi, does anyone know how can I move a standalone license to another

    Gabito, Aug 15, 2006
  2. What version CAD? Autodesk has a transferable license if "NO" else is using
    your computer. For example, you have a computer at home and you need to
    complete the job at home. You can have basically transfer your license home,
    as long as no one is using your computer at work.
    CHARLES FLEMING, Aug 16, 2006
  3. Gabito

    Gabito Guest

    The Autocad version is LT 2007.

    This is the story

    A). -I installed Acad 2007 on machine # 1
    B) The user of machine # 1 was fired
    C) He hired a new employee (#2)
    D) I need to install Acad 2007 on machine # 2

    Note: for policy, we do not give old machines to new employees.
    So I need to "MOVE" the license from # 1 to # 2
    Gabito, Aug 16, 2006
  4. Gabito

    Dr Fleau Guest

    Kinda funny, I'm in a similar situation, except I didn't get fired. the
    company bought me a new comp, and needed to reinstall ACAD on the new comp.
    I got a fresh standalone license from Autodesk using the automatic
    registration form, but haven't deleted the program from the old comp just
    yet, as I'm still transferring files and stuff. I just want to avoid a weird
    legal thing and be up-and-up with Autodesk, but actually I haven't had any
    replies to my emails. I do have the email of a support tech, but even he
    hasn't given any news.

    Please post here whatever development you get, I'll do the same.

    Dr Fleau
    Dr Fleau, Aug 16, 2006
  5. Gabito

    R.K. McSwain Guest


    A) Just reinstall on the new PC, call Autodesk for a new code,
    explaining the circumstances.


    B) Use the Portable License Utility (PLU) to transfer the license from
    one PC to another. I'm not sure if the PLU is included with LT or not.
    R.K. McSwain, Aug 17, 2006
  6. Gabito

    sakoguy Guest

    I do Autodesk product support for a reseller.
    By the terms of the license agreement you must uninstall AutoCAD from
    the "fired" employee's PC and then you can install that serial numbered
    license on the new employee's PC. The license agreement allows the same
    serial numbered software to be installed on a PC and a laptop or home
    computer, but only for the same user. It cannot be installed on two
    different user's PCs at the same time.

    Daryl S
    sakoguy, Aug 17, 2006
  7. Gabito

    R.K. McSwain Guest

    Technically, there is nothing to stop you from installing on the second
    machine before uninstalling on the first machine. We do it all the time
    when provisioning a new machine for an existing employee. Yes, we format
    the old machine as soon as they are traded out. This overlap is usually
    a day or less.

    Also, the current EULA specifies that in the case of two installs (the
    second being the home/laptop) - that both the Work and Home/laptop must
    be under the control of the license holder. So technically, you can't
    just give the CD to an employee and have them install it at home. I
    think this is to address the employee who quits, moves, and sets up shop
    somewhere with your ACAD license.
    R.K. McSwain, Aug 18, 2006
  8. Gabito

    Gabito Guest

    Thanks all for your replies, what I did was uninstall from 1 pc and
    installed on the new one, requesting a new code again..

    Gabito, Aug 25, 2006
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