How can I get my autocad 2004 crosshair back to it's original state???

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bigboy, Feb 10, 2004.

  1. Bigboy

    Bigboy Guest

    I can't seem to restore my autocad crosshair pointer back to the way
    it looked when I first ran autocad. My cursor has a crosshair and a
    box with a X through the box in the middle of the crosshair, but I
    just want the the crosshair with the box, but not the X. Please
    Bigboy, Feb 10, 2004
  2. Bigboy

    Wally Guest

    The best tips to you is to delete your autocad and upgrade to Alibre Design
    It´s much cheaper and much better 3D program.

    Best, Benny.
    Wally, Feb 11, 2004
  3. Bigboy

    CW Guest

    Are you trying for an idiot award?
    CW, Feb 11, 2004
  4. Bigboy

    archer57 Guest

    Try this:
    Options > Profiles
    If there is only one profile listed, it's most likely "unnamed profile".
    Click it once to select it.
    Click "rename". Give it a name, such as "my profile". Click ok
    Now click "add to list" and name a new profile "acad default".
    Select it and click "set current".
    Make sure it is the current one. It is shown on the top left of the options
    Now click "reset". This will restore all default settings.
    You should now have two profiles; the original that you were modifying all
    along and another with the acad defaults.

    Ok out of Options and check your cursor. It should be back to acad default,
    however, so is every other variable setting that you may have changed. But
    now you can always revert back by going back to options > profiles and
    making "my profile" current.

    One of the first things that anyone should do IMMEDIATELY after installing
    acad is to go into profiles, change "unnamed profile" to something like
    "acad default" and then export it (.arg file) to some location where you
    keep backups. Then add a new profile, name it, and make it current. All
    changes you make will be to that current profile. The original will be
    preserved. It's also a good idea to export your profile from time to time
    so you can restore it (import) if things get fouled up. Having several
    profiles can help too depending on your work.

    archer57, Feb 13, 2004
  5. Bigboy

    archer57 Guest

    He already has several.

    archer57, Feb 13, 2004
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