How can I get a string from a variable name?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by James Maeding, Jan 29, 2004.

  1. Lets say I have a variable called Var1 and I want to obtain a string from that variable name.
    I know how to make a variable name from a string with (read "Var1"), but how do i go the other way?

    I am trying to read string values from a text file and make a list of them.
    If I use (read (strcat "(" (read-line file) ")") it returns a nice list but the strings are considered variables in the
    Odd since numbers are detected...
    So I want to convert those variable names returned to strings.

    I have other ways of doing this but a friend asked me and I didn't know the answer (not too suprising...)
    Any help appreciated.
    James Maeding
    Civil Engineer/Programmer
    James Maeding, Jan 29, 2004
  2. James Maeding

    Mark Propst Guest

    like Jason, I'm not clear on the question

    do you mean (vl-symbol-name 'Var1)
    "Var1" ???

    (setq var1 "Test")
    (read (strcat "(" (eval var1) ")"))

    how do i go the other way?
    Mark Propst, Jan 29, 2004
  3. vl-princ-to-string ?

    Not sure I completely understand the question


    Member of the Autodesk Discussion Forum Moderator Program

    but the strings are considered variables in the
    the answer (not too suprising...)
    Jason Piercey, Jan 29, 2004
  4. James Maeding

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Why not something like this, using John Uhden's "str2list" function. This
    assumes the use of a space as the delimiter in the text file:

    (while (setq txtline (read-line file))
    (setq txtlist (cons (str2list txtline " ") txtlist))

    (defun Str2List (str pat / i j n lst)
    ((/= (type str)(type pat) 'STR))
    ((= str pat)'(""))
    (setq i 0 n (strlen pat))
    (while (setq j (vl-string-search pat str i))
    (setq lst (cons (substr str (1+ i)(- j i)) lst)
    i (+ j n)
    (reverse (cons (substr str (1+ i)) lst))


    but the strings are considered variables in the
    the answer (not too suprising...)
    Jeff Mishler, Jan 29, 2004
  5. James Maeding

    ECCAD Guest

    When you do a (read (strcat "(" (read-line file) ")"), if you mean that it returns something like:
    (("abc")( "123")), and you want to set a variable - Var1
    to the 1st value..
    (setq my_list (read-line file)); read a line
    (setq Var1 (nth 0 my_list)); gets the "abc"
    (setq Var2 (nth 1 my_list)); gets the "123"
    Or, to make a 'long' list of the file:
    (open file "r")
    (setq new_list (read-line file))
    (setq long_list (cons new_list long_list)); concat to long list
    );end while
    (close file)
    !long_list should show all data
    to return a specific item, you need to 'point' to that item, beginning with 0, and incrementing.
    (setq ctr 0)
    (repeat 10
    (setq new_str (nth ctr long_list)); get item
    (prompt (strcat "\nFound: " new_str)); echo it to screen
    (setq ctr (+ ctr 1)); and increment
    ); end repeat

    ECCAD, Jan 29, 2004
  6. James Maeding

    John Uhden Guest


    T'would be nice to post a few lines from the file. Sounds to me as thought file
    should have been written with strings in quotes so you can programatically
    discern the difference between string and numbers.

    I'll guess that a line of data may look like (Var1 (1 2 3)(A B C)) which could
    have happened by using...
    (princ (cons "Var1" var1) fp)
    where Var1 = '((1 2 3)("A" "B" "C"))
    Had the file been written using prin1 instead, life would be easy. But alas,
    now there is no way except by presumption to distinguish the integer 1 from the
    character "1" Wait second... this may help a little:

    (defun FixList (items)
    ((vl-consp items)
    (setq items (cons (FixList (car items))(FixList (cdr items))))
    ((listp items)
    (foreach item items
    (setq items (subst (FixList item) item items))
    ((vl-symbolp Items)
    (setq Items (vl-princ-to-string Items))

    Now this still isn't smart enough to interpret strings like or that
    (Mr. Rube Goldberg) is actually supposed to be one name with only first caps.

    the strings are considered variables in the
    John Uhden, Jan 29, 2004
  7. Ah, Mark hit it on the head.
    The vl-symbol-name will do what I want.

    the code for the routine is:

    (setq fn (open (getfiled "Topo File" (getvar "dwgprefix") "dca" 4) "r"))
    (while (setq x (read-line fn))
    (setq x (read (strcat "(" x ")")))
    (setq x1 (nth 1 x))
    (setq y1 (nth 2 x))
    (setq z1 (nth 3 x))
    (setq lid (nth 4 x))
    (print lid)
    (setq fn (close fn))

    The text file looks like:

    1 185198.42 85833.29 12.34 34_10 TC
    2 185182.75 85830.08 12.34 34_11 TC
    3 185181.57 85827.39 12.34 34_14 TC
    4 185183.28 85825.06 12.34 34_11 TC

    This is survey info.
    Note that the 34_10 items are strings, but the read function returns them as variables.
    I would never parse text this way but a friend asked me how to do it.

    So I can do an (setq lid (vl-symbol-name (list (nth 4 x)))) and it should give the string.

    This is very bad code in my view, but unfortunately works. I'm sure to hear from that person when someone puts a space
    in the decription code...
    thanks all

    James Maeding
    Civil Engineer/Programmer
    James Maeding, Jan 30, 2004
  8. James Maeding

    Mark Propst Guest

    Glad to help
    Mark Propst, Jan 30, 2004
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