How can I creating waves over a part ?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Fred, Dec 17, 2004.

  1. Fred

    Fred Guest

    Hi people,

    I have a little problem that I need to resolve !!!
    The problem is the next:
    I need to create the effect of sandwaves that the water left behind when the
    water goes back, you know like on a beach of a lake...
    So after I create a part like a rectangle an put aan extrude on it, how I
    can create waves on it so that look VERY natural ?

    thank all


    Fred, Dec 17, 2004
  2. Fred

    Tonius K Guest

    Have you tried next one?

    Create the solid part you were doing. After doing that create a sketch
    to the side you want those waves to be. Create the waves with a spline
    for example and with the sketch create extruded surface through the
    solid part. After doing that, insert-->cut-->with surface... That
    should do the trick but i'm not sure about the natural look.
    Tonius K, Dec 17, 2004
  3. Fred

    D. Short Guest

    Have a play with the deform feature, it lets you pull surface/solid
    faces to sketch entities.
    D. Short, Dec 19, 2004
  4. Fred

    neil Guest

    personally I would consider using a loft between wavy splines.
    neil, Dec 20, 2004
  5. Fred

    madz Guest

    one pretty hardcore, but also most accurate option is to make plaster
    copy of actual surface from the beach, then scan it into 3D, build
    surface, insert this surface into SW and replace face with that surface.
    If you need good results, this is the solution. We have made very
    similar things here with success.

    madz, Dec 21, 2004
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