How can I create an empty list?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by lucic, Feb 5, 2004.

  1. lucic

    lucic Guest

    How can I create an empty list?
    I need to construct a list of strings, and i need an empty list at first time.
    I've try with (list ' ()) but return a list with nil item > (nil) and i don't know how can i remove it from this list.

    Many thanks!
    Lucian Crisan :eek:)
    lucic, Feb 5, 2004
  2. lucic

    Tom Berger Guest

    You don't need an empty list to start building a list.

    (setq mystr "Test")
    (setq mylist (cons mystr mylist))

    If you really want to have an empty list (there is definitely no
    reason for it, then use (setq mylist '())

    Tom Berger
    Tom Berger, Feb 5, 2004
  3. lucic

    Tom Smith Guest

    You're doing the same thing twice.

    Either (set mylist (list)) or (setq mylist '()) will create an empty list.
    An empty list always evaluates nil, you won't see the empty parentheses.

    Your (setq mylist (list '()) is actually creating (()).

    don't know how can i remove it from this list.
    Tom Smith, Feb 5, 2004
  4. lucic

    lucic Guest

    Thanks a lot Mr. Smith, this information really help me!
    I was wondered and surprised for the feedback time!

    Thanks again!
    Lucian Crisan :eek:)
    lucic, Feb 5, 2004
  5. You probably don't need any empty list to start with.
    I see people here start with an empty list all the time,
    not really needed.

    Command: !lst

    Command: (setq lst (cons "b" lst))

    Command: (setq lst (cons "c" lst))
    ("c" "b")


    Member of the Autodesk Discussion Forum Moderator Program

    can i remove it from this list.
    Jason Piercey, Feb 5, 2004
  6. lucic

    David Bethel Guest

    By default, nil is an empty list

    (null nil)

    (listp nil)

    David Bethel, Feb 5, 2004
  7. lucic

    ECCAD Guest

    I use 'lists' within a function, called several times. I always use (setq lst nil) on entrance. Reason, if I have been there, the 'lst' contains 'old' data. Best to nil, then (setq lst (cons var lst)) - when stacking var strings. Assures fresh data each time.

    ECCAD, Feb 5, 2004
  8. Bob,

    If I understand you correctly, also not necessary as
    the arguments and variables are local to the function.


    the variable lst is already defined
    Command: !lst
    ("c" "b")

    (defun test (arg / lst)
    (setq lst (cons arg lst))

    Command: (test "d")

    Command: !lst
    ("c" "b")

    Notice you do not get ("d" "c" "b")


    Member of the Autodesk Discussion Forum Moderator Program

    entrance. Reason, if I have been there, the 'lst' contains 'old' data. Best to nil, then
    (setq lst (cons var lst)) - when stacking var strings. Assures fresh data each time.
    Jason Piercey, Feb 5, 2004
  9. lucic

    Tom Smith Guest

    Not necessary if lst is declared local to the function and the variable name
    isn't reused. Reusing a variable name (there's a technical term for that,
    which I forget) might theoretically be a small efficiency, but IMHO it can
    make the code less readable and adds the extra necessity of nulling out the
    variable for reuse.

    It's partly a personal style thing, but over the years I've found that
    giving mnemonic names to variables - as long as they need to be to be
    clear - is a huge benefit to being able to understand and reuse or modify
    the code in the future. What seems cleverly efficient today can be a big
    time-killer 3 years from now.

    I'd rather use "layer_name_list" and "ename_list" (for example, selecting
    the variable names to be meaningful in the context of the function) and
    declare them both local than use "lst" for both.

    lst nil) on entrance. Reason, if I have been there, the 'lst' contains 'old'
    data. Best to nil, then (setq lst (cons var lst)) - when stacking var
    strings. Assures fresh data each time.
    Tom Smith, Feb 5, 2004
  10. lucic

    Tom Smith Guest

    If I understand correctly, you're using lst as a global variable to pass
    data between functions. Again, it's partly a matter of style, but I prefer
    to avoid globals, and if I really need to use one, I use a very distinctive
    name to keep the variable from being stomped by another function, for
    example "*machine_parts_list*" -- I use the convention that any global has
    asterisks so it stands out in the code.

    In your example, all you need to do is force the list to BE the return value
    of the function, then it can be local.

    (defun read_parts ( / rd_lin lst)
    (close fil)
    Tom Smith, Feb 5, 2004
  11. Not sure I completely understand... but couldn't you
    put 'lst' at the end of the function and localize it?

    (defun read_parts ( / rd_lin lst)
    (setq lst nil); return new list each time
    (setq fil (open filename "r"))
    (while (setq rd_lin (read-line fil))
    (if (= part rd_lin)
    (setq lst (cons rd_lin lst)); parsed later
    (close fil)
    Jason Piercey, Feb 5, 2004
  12. lucic

    Doug Broad Guest

    Though I sometimes use global vars in that manner, it
    is not a good general practice. Each function can return
    a value to its calling function without using globals. The
    last expression in the function becomes its return value.

    Using local variables has big advantages in large systems.
    Instead of passing by globals, take advantage of the
    last expression in the function to return a value. If a
    function returns more than one value, consider a list or
    consider dividing the function into parts.
    Doug Broad, Feb 5, 2004
  13. lucic

    ECCAD Guest

    I could I suppose. Either way does the job.
    ECCAD, Feb 5, 2004
  14. lucic

    Tom Smith Guest

    Jason, great minds ... :)
    Tom Smith, Feb 5, 2004
  15. lucic

    ECCAD Guest

    Doug, Tom, Jason,
    Let's not beat this to death. In my sample, I could have just returned the 'lst. Not the real name of the list anyway.
    I set a global 'list' of machine parts, sometimes 4000 to 5000 records. Pass this to a function that parses (text), and makes (7) more lists..Detail_number, Manufacturers_Name, Part_number, Part_description, Index_number, Spare_data1, Spare_data2.
    IF the 'lst is nil, I know I have to read-in the catalog, IF not nil, I have it in memory (for this session).
    I use these lists to pick a 'part' from a 'catalog' of all parts, by using Dialogs to list by Part_type, then, Manufacturer, then, by Part_number & Description. Last pick (of 3) gets the part I want. Tokens placed in a 'part-stamp' block insert.
    Your input is GOOD. Just my 'old' habits and the way I code.
    No problemo. Hope this clears up the questions.

    ECCAD, Feb 5, 2004
  16. Bob,

    Wasn't my intention to 'beat it to death'. Hope it didn't
    come off that way. Just trying to pass on the knowledge
    that I have gained from this group.


    Member of the Autodesk Discussion Forum Moderator Program

    Jason Piercey, Feb 5, 2004
  17. An additional thing that I do to clear up memory in Lisp code (especially
    when I have a large number of routines loaded) is wrap up or "nest" small
    functions within the body of a larger defun, such as functions design to
    activate in an (action_tile) statement. Then I name the nested function in
    the local variable list. When I do this, Visual Lisp treats the nested
    functions the same as local variables and clears them when the main function
    has ended. I also run the (gc) function within a standard exit handler I use
    to clean up as much memory as possible.
    Phil Kenewell, Feb 5, 2004
  18. lucic

    Tom Smith Guest

    Bob, I apologize if we seemed to "pile on" -- this thread strayed away from
    the original empty list! But sometimes it's in the little picky details that
    good tips gets passed along. I've learned a lot in here, and years ago
    learned tons from mostly the same group of people, back in the old
    CompuServe forums. Anne ran that too until it shut down.

    One of the downsides of the NG as opposed to the old forums, IMHO, is that
    there's usually a lot less discussion of programming at the "philosophical"
    level, which is where I found by far the most benefit. In the NG it's mostly
    a focus on a quick fix of an immediate problem, and (as in this case) it's
    unlikely that the original poster will ever look back again, after he thinks
    he's gotten his question answered.
    Tom Smith, Feb 5, 2004
  19. lucic

    Doug Broad Guest

    The person posting the question was obviously a beginner
    at coding.

    Those of us posting regularly should expect others to
    contradict us or point out better ways should our suggestions
    fall outside the realm of recommended programming practice.

    It is even wiser to thank those doing so rather than react
    negatively or impatiently with them.

    As far as the original poster, the empty list can be represented
    1) nil
    2) ()
    3) using local variables which are initialized to nil.
    4) knowing that any unbound variable equals the empty list.
    6) any function that returns nil

    more lists..Detail_number, Manufacturers_Name, Part_number, Part_description, Index_number, Spare_data1, Spare_data2.
    by Part_number & Description. Last pick (of 3) gets the part I want. Tokens placed in a 'part-stamp' block insert.
    Doug Broad, Feb 5, 2004
  20. lucic

    Tom Smith Guest

    Phil, I do the same, though it will cause a harmless error on compilation. One advantage is that a variable like Bob's list can be shared among the various functions and still be local to the larger program.

    Still, though, it's almost always clearer and less buggy to declare all variables local to whatever function creates them, design each function for an appropriate return, and to pass returned values. If you can figure out a way, that is. :)
    Tom Smith, Feb 5, 2004
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