How can I create a disc with a random amount of holes on a boltcircle diameter?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by JeffJarbs, Nov 23, 2007.

  1. JeffJarbs

    JeffJarbs Guest

    I need a way to create a disc that has a random amount of holes on a
    BCD. I can control the disc diameter, disc thickness, hole diameter,
    and bolt circle diameter using equations and design tables. I cannot
    find a way to use a design table to control the amount of holes on the
    bolt circle. Can this be done or am I stuck in an AutoCad way of

    Thanks in advance
    JeffJarbs, Nov 23, 2007
  2. JeffJarbs

    Cliff Guest

    See last item:

    From the March 1993 issue of MAT 007 I News, the newsletter of Wreckreation Math
    at the University of Toronto.

    Compliments to Prof P.G. Rooney of the University of Toronto Math Department.

    The Jacobians and their Struggle for Independance
    A Ten-Day Diet to Improve Indeterminate Forms
    Dental Care for Decaying Exponentials
    Cheaper by the Googal
    How to Discipline Improper Integrals
    1001 Best Loved Double Integrals
    A Gardeners Handbook for the Extraction of Roots
    The Torus and i
    The Vaticans View of Transfinite Cardinals
    A Short Table of Even Primes (Abridged)
    100 Tasty Fillings for Empty Sets
    Life Begins at e^ix
    The AFL-CIO -- An Ininite Union of Dense Sets
    How to Keep Condensation Points from Dripping into Empty Sets
    Marketing of Scalar Products
    A Child's Garden of Tchebycheff Polynomials
    How i Solved my Imaginary Problems
    A Treasury of Matrices -- Upright and Inverted
    My Neighbourhood is Open -- or, A study in Integration
    Improving Lipschitz Conditions in the Slums of New York
    The Decline and Fall of e^-x
    How to Prevent Corrosion on Riemann Surfaces
    The Peano Postulates Transcribed for Violin and Cello
    First Aid for Dedekind Cuts
    A Collection of Happy Endings for Incomplete Beta Functions
    The Laplace Transform -- Before and After
    Why the Base 10 -- or, If we had e Fingers
    A One Line Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem
    Was George Cantor's Mind Well-Ordered?
    The True Story Behind "Two Plus Two Equals Four"
    Federal Aid for Retarded Potentials
    One Thousand Random Numbers (in Order)
    Cliff, Nov 23, 2007
  3. JeffJarbs

    Cliff Guest

    Did you know that almost all random numbers (integers) have quite large
    absolute values?
    Cliff, Nov 23, 2007
  4. JeffJarbs

    Cliff Guest

    BASIC & most other computer languages have a RANDOM "function".
    Not that the results ever seem to be truely random (use system
    clock date/time as a seed <g>).
    OTOH You'd usually get a different (random) number of holes each time ....
    Cliff, Nov 23, 2007
  5. By "random amount of...", do you mean "arbitrary number of..."?

    Best regards,
    Spehro Pefhany
    Spehro Pefhany, Nov 23, 2007
  6. JeffJarbs

    Ben Guest


    Go and ask this at so you can get a real answer
    instead of the no help comments from here.

    Ben, Nov 24, 2007
  7. JeffJarbs

    Cliff Guest

    He really needs a better qualified question to begin with IMHO.
    Would you want a random number of holes in your part each
    time it rebuids?
    Cliff, Nov 24, 2007
  8. JeffJarbs

    Ben Guest


    There is a random number generator in excel and you can give it a upper
    and lower limit.... Last I checked you can use excel to drive dimensions
    and functions in SW.... THIS CAN BE DONE!

    Better qualified question? How about a better qualified answer?

    Ben, Nov 24, 2007
  9. JeffJarbs

    Ben Guest

    Besides if you read the question and think, maybe just maybe, he is
    saying I want a specific number of holes but I need to change that
    value, he might have substituted 'random' in the question assuming you
    could think and put this together yourself...

    Ben, Nov 24, 2007
  10. JeffJarbs

    Mark Guest

    I tried to respond last night but it seems not to have posted.
    The information you're missing is a way to reference the value for the
    number of holes in a design table or equation.
    If you created a hole with a cut-extrude, cut-revolve, or hole wizard
    feature first, then used a circular feature pattern, this is easy.
    Double click on the circular pattern in the tree, so that the
    dimensions appear in the main window. Near the axis you used to
    create the pattern should be a dimension showing the number of
    instances, with no leader or dim lines. Right click on it and the
    name of the dimension will show at the top of the context menu; you
    can also click on properties to see the name if it's too long to fit.
    In my test, that dimension was D1@(circularpattern).
    If the pattern is in the sketch rather than the feature, I'm not sure
    what to tell you. There doesn't seem to be an obvious way to obtain
    that number. Then again, if you're using sketch patterns, you may
    want to consider feature patterns instead as there are also other
    (hijacked from its frame at
    Hope this helps more than the other bickering...
    Mark, Nov 24, 2007
  11. JeffJarbs

    Ben Guest

    Ben, Nov 25, 2007
  12. JeffJarbs

    Cliff Guest

    He clearly stated "random" which has a specific meaning.
    You just have a "maybe" & a wild guess.

    Perhaps he will get back to us <G>.
    Cliff, Nov 25, 2007
  13. JeffJarbs

    brewertr Guest

    brewertr, Nov 25, 2007
  14. JeffJarbs

    Ben Guest

    Ben, Nov 25, 2007
  15. JeffJarbs

    Ben Guest


    Knowing how people talk and that the average person makes verbal
    mistakes I would be willing to bet that Jeff meant "arbitrary" instead
    of "random".

    Besides even if he did not you just gave a lesson in the definition of
    the word not anything helpful in his problem. Your help was like someone
    asking for a driving lesson and you giving him a lecture in how to put a
    saddle on a horse. Not very productive now is it?

    Ben, Nov 25, 2007
  16. JeffJarbs

    brewertr Guest

    Happens, no worries. I just wasn't sure if you were discounting Mark's

    Following Mark's directions the full dimension name will look like
    this D1@CirPattern1.

    brewertr, Nov 25, 2007
  17. JeffJarbs

    Mark Guest

    None taken - happens all the time when it takes any time to compose a
    response. I just hope Jeff didn't give up too soon on finding an
    answer here.
    Mark, Nov 26, 2007
  18. JeffJarbs

    brewertr Guest

    I hope he reports back and lets us know his progress.

    This is what came to mind when I first read his post:

    Driven from a table, where the # of holes, hole diameter & BHC are

    brewertr, Nov 26, 2007
  19. JeffJarbs

    Ben Guest

    It has been brought to my attention that I may have come off as pompous
    and arrogant saying that 'real' answers can be found at SolidMentor and
    insinuating that here you cannot find answers. I did not mean that at
    all and apologize to those that took offense.

    I was just tired of seeing someone get a ton of answers not related to
    his problem and offered another possible place to post his question. I
    still see value here at CCSW and come here to view and very occasionally
    try and help out. I believe the more resources you exploit the better
    your answer to a problem can be and using CCSW is encouraged by me and
    the quality of answers is just as good here. Just you have to wade
    through a bunch of..... well I am sure you know what

    Ben, Nov 26, 2007
  20. Cliff = 5 posts to date.
    Ben = 7
    gluteous maximus equus, Nov 26, 2007
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