How can a make a torus with specific line angles tia sal2

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by temp, Sep 28, 2006.

  1. temp

    temp Guest

    temp, Sep 28, 2006
  2. temp

    little p Guest

    make a torus with the lines intersecting at a certain angle

    It's not crystal clear what you're after. I'm guessing you want to cut, or
    somehow represent, a double helix on a toroid shape? Can't help but if more
    people understand what you want ...
    little p, Sep 28, 2006
  3. temp

    temp Guest

    I guess it could be described like that but not that complex I'm just
    trying to change the angles of the lines that make up the torus shape.

    Here's an example of what I'm trying to do.

    I'm tring to do a 3d representation of a phyllotaxis system using the torus
    temp, Sep 28, 2006
  4. temp

    Muggs Guest

    Muggs, Sep 28, 2006
  5. temp

    TOP Guest

    Seems to me a simple bit of sketch geometry.
    TOP, Sep 29, 2006
  6. temp

    temp Guest

    yea it does I wish I had an example on how to do it.
    temp, Sep 29, 2006
  7. temp

    Muggs Guest

    Did you look at what I posted???
    If you did, did it help? Was I right on? Was I way off?

    Come on man give us a little help. Help us help you.

    Muggs, Sep 29, 2006
  8. temp

    temp Guest

    Yes I did and thank you for such a quick response. I opened it but it
    looked like a regular Torus. Did I miss something

    I was trying to change the "skin angle of the torus" I made a 3D example
    (acrobat 7 needed for 3D)

    I cheated and just layered a texture I made in Photoshop over a TORUS

    If solidworks can't do it thats ok I was just trying to get exact angles.
    I'm still learning Solidworks so please forgive me.
    temp, Sep 30, 2006
  9. temp

    temp Guest

    I opened it. It looks like I need to do several sweeps and revoles. Is
    there a sequence I should do them in?

    I was trying to change the "skin angle of the torus" I made a 3D example
    (acrobat 7 needed for 3D)

    I cheated and just layered a texture I made in Photoshop over a TORUS

    If solidworks can't do it thats ok I was just trying to get exact angles.
    I'm still learning Solidworks and it's terminalogy so please forgive me.
    temp, Sep 30, 2006
  10. temp

    tiber Guest

    tiber, Oct 1, 2006
  11. temp

    tiber Guest

    I may be off the wall here but i think what you need to do is

    use different software like pro-E or mastercam everyone has their

    favorite. It's easy enough to create a torus with the basic information

    minor diameter major diameter etc. which would give you a 3D wire

    using that software.
    tiber, Oct 1, 2006
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