hours estimate

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Zander, Aug 17, 2005.

  1. Zander

    Zander Guest


    How many hours would you estimate to model and render in a concept form
    only (no internal details) something like an information kiosk?

    Just curious....
    Zander, Aug 17, 2005
  2. Zander

    Zander Guest

    Yep, that's the type, I've been quoting and doing quite a bit of this
    type of stuff lately, where the concept model turns into a fabrication
    (actual) model with fab drawings etc. I usually quote about 4 hours
    for a concept model / rendering stage but was curious what others

    Zander, Aug 17, 2005
  3. Zander

    matt Guest

    When I quote work like that, there are a few factors that I try to
    figure in:

    - Level of detail. When I have to add all the rounds to a plastic part
    and put in the parting line and all draft, that can easily double the
    total project time. Usually I hold off on this until I'm sure things
    aren't going to change unless there is some problem where the
    manufacturing method is going to affect the design of the part.

    - Level of complexity. If this is a square-cornered box that can be
    made from extrudes, quote X. If this is a curvy shape, quote 3-4X.
    Sometimes the people managing the process don't understand things. "All
    I want is to put a slight bulge a couple sides, and you're telling me
    you're going to have to redesign the whole thing?!?". That's when I
    hand him the mouse and tell him that if he already knows how to do it,
    there is no reason to pay me ;o)

    - Are you quoting a first phase or final phase project. Initial phases
    usually take less time because there are fewer contradictory
    constraints. Toward the end of the project when you have learned where
    all the potholes are, the going is much slower because of the level of
    detail and all the things you have to work around.

    - How complete/well defined is the project? The one thing that adds
    most to projects is when you have to go back and forth. If the design
    is well conceived, there is less of that.

    - Is the project being managed by a committee? Committees are the worst
    thing that can happen to a design. There should be one point of vision.
    Something designed by committee will change more often and have more bad
    compromises. Input from individuals is necessary, but there should be
    one person with final say. Product design is not a democratic process.

    - Is the project being managed by someone who understands design and
    manufacturing? Sometimes marketing and management people get involved
    in managing the design process, which is usually a mistake. The final
    say should come from someone who understands technical limits, money and

    If you're looking for a "looks like" model and it's not too complex, I
    would quote 8 hours to give an outside shape type of model. If it's
    really simple, it would take 90 minutes, but you can't quote something
    like that.

    matt, Aug 17, 2005
  4. Zander

    John Layne Guest

    Hi Zander,

    I'd agree with Phil, assuming they are not a regular client. If they
    are regular then I'd agree with Paul.

    On another note (this maybe completely irrelevant), I occasionally
    contract to a company here in New Zealand that makes a variety of touch
    screens. Some of these screens end up in kiosks or digital signage.
    Others end up on shop front windows, no holes are drilled through the
    glass (it's all done with smoke and mirrors).

    They are easily scalable and will make custom sizes. Note they
    specialise in large screens 30" and over.

    You can find them on the WEB at www.nextwindow.com If you want more
    information regarding the various types contact me directly and I'll
    recommend a solution.


    John Layne
    Solid Engineering Ltd
    John Layne, Aug 18, 2005
  5. Zander

    Zander Guest


    In this case, they are a new customer, and the reason I asked the
    question is my existing customer base requires no quotes or estimates,
    when they need something done they call me, I do the work, track my
    time and then bill them. It's very straight forward.

    With this new customer they have asked for estimates, and yes these
    initial renderings will turn into full blown design/fabrication
    drawings so I have to keep that all in mind. It's interesting seeing
    how people approach this question though. And it's nice to know I'm
    not totally out of the ballpark!

    Zander, Aug 18, 2005
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