Hotkey crash problem, please help

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SW Monkey, Apr 8, 2004.

  1. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    Ive had this problem since 2001Plus, we are currently using 2003, and
    will be upgrading to 2004 in a month or so.

    Whenever I assign a key to a command under the hotkeys, then go back
    to it and try to delete it, SolidWorks crashes. This also happen in
    2001Plus for me. Ive tried reinstalling SolidWorks (cleaning
    registry out also), never helped. Ive tried deleting the .CUS file
    and creating a new one, didnt help. The ITS dept here says I have
    ADMIN rights, so permissions shouldnt be a problem if something is
    written to the registry. Funny thing is, this problem is on 5 other
    computers here, but 1 guy doesnt have this problem on his computer.
    Ive contacted my VAR and they contacted SolidWorks about it. They
    have been very helpful, but nobody knows what to do next.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

    BTW, I know I can set all my hotkeys at once and forget about them,
    but this doesnt allow me to go back and delete a hotkey I dont like.
    I would have to delete the .cus file, then redo all the hotkeys, plus
    the new ones I want to change. VERY time consuming.

    Please help...
    SW Monkey, Apr 8, 2004
  2. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    Nobody has any comments/suggestions?
    SW Monkey, Apr 12, 2004
  3. I hadn't replied because I didn't have any good answers. I have never had
    that problem, which would lead me to think that it's on your end. (surprise,
    surprise) The fact that 5 others also have the issue there could be
    explained by the same person doing the installing - either of SolidWorks or
    other software.

    Are there any addins that the one person doesn't have running? Different
    software like Excel, etc. on his? Different video card? Different video
    driver? Is there any difference in the Windows/network login of the one

    Finding nothing there, I think I would uninstall all SW related stuff (old
    versions & new) on the drive & in the registry & reinstall. Look for all
    instances of SolidWorks, sldworks, sldprt, slddrw, sldasm, etc.

    My best thoughts for now....

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 12, 2004
  4. Sorry I do not know much about SolidWorks.
    First, try to see what is different on the one machine that works
    verses all other 5 or 6. OS versions, Windows Updates (critical and
    other like DirectX, Vector Graphics, etc.), network clients,
    SolidWorks Service Pack versions on each machine.
    Secondly, check Network and Video Cards and drivers on each machine
    and compare them. If the cards are the same , make sure the drivers
    are the same.
    Lastly, it could just be a parcular bug that you might not ever find.
    We have had our share of those. Try running in safe mode or in
    selective startup and see if you can duplicate. You can visit the
    website and email me if you want me to see if I can assist any
    further. Thank you.

    Free Computer Help by email
, Apr 13, 2004
  5. SW Monkey

    matt Guest

    make sure that you have write access to the file and folder that the *.cus
    is in. RMB on it in Win Explorer and go to properties, make sure that the
    Read Only box is cleared.

    Do you sign on as a domain user or a local machine acc't? Try to sign on
    using a local acc't and see if that changes anything. Add another new
    local user with admin rights and sign on as that user and see if anything
    changes (checking for corrupt user profile).

    Short of that, it might be an installation problem. I know you said you
    cleared the registry, but if you install with anti-virus on, you could just
    be recreating the problem again.

    good luck


    (SW Monkey) wrote in
    matt, Apr 13, 2004
  6. SW Monkey

    wentz Guest

    I'm an Ol' Cadkey user, So I came from the mindset in which my
    keyboard was ALL Hotkeys. Now on SOlidworks, I did customize my
    keyboard, I have had lots of problems with unstable files, and lots of
    'unhandling errors/crashes' when dealing with notes and balloons
    (which I have assigned to Hotkeys. Do you believe that HotKeys could
    be the cause?

    What do you think??
    wentz, Apr 15, 2004
  7. SW Monkey

    Bob Guest

    good idea
    Bob, May 13, 2004
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