HOT Keys

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Amy&Scott, Apr 26, 2004.

  1. Amy&Scott

    Amy&Scott Guest

    Has any one got a good list of hot keys in a easy format
    Amy&Scott, Apr 26, 2004
  2. Amy&Scott

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Just open ACAD.PGP (or ACLT.PGP for LT) in any text editor (e.g., Notepad).
    Paul Turvill, Apr 26, 2004
  3. Amy&Scott

    Trey Monsour Guest

    Asking for a "good set of hot keys" is like asking someone to tell you what
    color to pick as your favorite. In the end, you have to develop your own
    based on the commands you most commonly use, and how you like to use

    I would first make a list of your most commonly used commands. Then set
    your own hot keys for those with "single key assignments". Then, take your
    next set commands (your secondarily most used) and assign them hot keys that
    make sense to you.

    The only other piece of advice that I would give about developing your own
    set of hot keys is this. You have to type to use hot keys. The faster you
    can type the faster you can invoke the command. Simply logic tells you that
    the closer the keys used to invoke the command, the quicker you can hit
    them. With respect to that, I have a lot of "double key" hot keys. For me,
    "C" = copy, and "CC" = circle. I see no logic in assigning "CO" for copy
    and/or "C" for circle. I use "PP" for pedit, "M" = move, and "MM" = mirror.
    so on and so forth.

    That "scheme" makes it very easy for me to quickly invoke commands.

    Feel free to comment and/or add to my method if you like. I'm always up for
    ways to improve my efficiency.

    Trey Monsour, Apr 27, 2004
  4. Amy&Scott

    Bigjobs Guest

    Another one i like is 0 (the number) for offset, then you can use the number
    keyboard to invoke the command and set the offset quite quickly.

    I also use the c-copy, cc-circle as well as ww-properties. I try to keep the
    keys over to the left hand side ot the keyboard,so i don't have to move the
    palm of my hand. means you shouldn't have to look down to see what you are


    My advice: When asking questions about CAD standards replace the words "CAD
    standards" with "underpants".

    If the question is then ridiculous, then the question is ridiculous.

    Michael Bulatovich - alt.cad.autocad
    Bigjobs, Apr 28, 2004
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