Horizontal Modeling

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Steve Reinisch, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. Steve Reinisch, Aug 10, 2007
  2. Steve Reinisch

    refract3d Guest

    Sounds very promising, but it doesn't explain what the method actually
    is.. or do you have to take a course for it? and not able to tell
    anyone elsE? hehe.. i'd love to have more info on it, as we're
    struggling with different modeling method right now at work.. I'd love
    to find a more efficient way to make changes after the fact like
    discussed in the article.
    refract3d, Aug 10, 2007
  3. Sent you a PDF that goes into more details.

    Steve Reinisch, Aug 10, 2007
  4. Steve Reinisch

    Anna Wood Guest

    Basic concept..... Do you model with a long, skinny feature dependancy
    tree (vertical) or a wide, flat feature dependancy tree (horizontal).
    I know that this has been discussed on this forum in the last few
    years at some point.

    Nothing particularly new, but is an interesting concept that I beleive
    has a ton of merit.


    Anna Wood
    Anna Wood, Aug 10, 2007
  5. Steve Reinisch

    jon_banquer Guest

    "Does anybody use this modeling technique? if so any comments?"

    Can't seem to find it in the SolidWorks 2007 on-line manual. ;>)


    I think their choice of using myigetit.com to teach it is excellent!

    How soon before Mastercam and Gibbs get someone to do the same for
    thier shit documentation?

    I'm sure there is something I could learn from a course in skeleton
    modeling. How soon before it's available?
    jon_banquer, Aug 10, 2007
  6. Steve Reinisch

    Joe788 Guest

    Maybe when Mastercam stops outselling all other CAD/CAM systems,
    they'll start listening to the insane, uninformed rants of some half-
    witted lunatic on an internet newsgroup?

    I'm having a hard time selecting chains in Mastercam.....maybe you
    could tell me a little bit about how YOU do it.....

    Joe788, Aug 10, 2007
  7. Steve Reinisch

    vinny Guest

    Go get yourself a copy of xsi, it has built in tutorials, all geared around
    "skeleton" modeling.
    Then you can use those skills in the other cad/cam products you have.
    vinny, Aug 10, 2007
  8. Steve Reinisch

    solidsmack Guest

    It's modeling without your main features being tied to each other,
    hence the term (feature in-dependent) It is dependent on something
    though, usually a sketch, plane or another part. Here's a .pdf that
    describes Delphi's process.
    http://techcon.ncms.org/01con/Delphi-Burke.pdf (7.20 MB)

    Horizontal Modeling is just one word for it, you may also know it as
    Skeleton Modeling, Tier modeling, Sketch Assembly modeling, CAD
    Neutral Modeling, or Body Modeling.

    solidsmack, Aug 10, 2007
  9. Steve Reinisch

    brewertr Guest

    Usually Jon when you are taking lessons from a company in Bankruptcy
    Court since 2005 its what not to do.
    Usually Jon when you recommend company's follow the lead of another
    you shouldn't be recommending they follow a company removed from the
    NY Stock Exchange in 2005 and still in Bankruptcy since 2005.

    brewertr, Aug 10, 2007
  10. Steve Reinisch

    TOP Guest

    I have been using this method for complex parts since 1999. These guys
    just coined the term. Were SW falls short is in having a feature tree
    in which it is hard to see whether you are working horizontally or
    vertically. There are addins for SW that allow users to see whether
    they are using horizontal or vertical modeling. You can also use the
    highly under-utilized parent/child menu pick to assess methodology.
    Even starting a delete operation and not finishing it will give a
    quick list of dependencies and give insight. That being said it is
    still difficult in SW to do pure horizontal modeling because of poor
    visibility in the feature tree.

    TOP, Aug 10, 2007
  11. Steve Reinisch

    matt Guest

    Someone digs this up about every other year. This doc was produced
    using UG, but I have seen the technique mostly used by Pro/E users.
    You know when you import a Pro/E native file, you get a bunch of
    planes? I think Pro/E must teach this method. It is an extremely
    conservative way of working, very slow and it seems like you do all of
    your work twice and have to think about it hard before you actually do
    anything. The big benefit comes when you start making changes. Face
    and edge ids depend on intersections, and when the intersections
    change, so do the ids. This makes it difficult for models to cope with
    big changes.

    What this article is calling "horizontal" modeling is just a set of
    best practice rules for creating relationships in parts and
    assemblies. Essentially, you work by first creating one or two or
    three sketches on the XYZ planes that locate the major features of the
    part, and where ever you need a sketch, you make a plane. So you never
    sketch on a face or reference an edge or model vertex. In SolidWorks
    there are limitations to how far you can go with this technique. You
    have to select model entities to create fillets, chamfers and other
    features, and it is really only well suited to prismatic parts,
    because in more shapely parts you have to reference faces to match
    curvature, and edges can only be defined by face intersections, not by
    an independent layout sketch.

    I use portions of the method, primarily layout sketches. Recent
    versions of SolidWorks make it easier to reuse sketches, and use only
    portions of sketches, which help a lot. But with surface modeling, you
    are building from existing edges, and it is difficult to reconcile the
    methods. I submitted an abstract to present at SWWorld this year on
    "SolidWorks Relationship Counseling", where I plan on talking about
    the method of using layout sketches and planes, and always making
    relationships to things as high up the tree as possible. You can use
    the concept in parts and assemblies. This is essentially the same as
    what is being discussed in the article and the pdf.

    SolidWorks, when it was introduced in 1995, focussed on "ease of use"
    in comparison to Pro/E and UG, so they didn't worry so much about best
    practice. Best practice is conservative, it is slow up front but if it
    saves you time it will be on the changes. SolidWorks wanted to be
    quick and easy, so they advocated a very "fast and loose" method of
    working from model faces instead of planes and using model edges
    instead of layout sketches. I don't think SW corporate has ever out
    grown this "fast and loose" attitude. This is why users are so
    surprised when they come across stuff like "horizontal modeling".
    matt, Aug 11, 2007
  12. Steve Reinisch

    ken Guest

    It is essentially removing the dependency on "history" from the model as
    there is very little. Most features planes and sketches are constrained to
    default origin planes/coordinates. Makes for little if no design intent
    ken, Aug 11, 2007
  13. Steve Reinisch

    jon_banquer Guest

    jon_banquer, Aug 11, 2007
  14. Steve Reinisch

    jon_banquer Guest

    "Interesting news to me. I remember when it was Cadpo and they were
    taking over the whole world of aftermarket training. Guess everything
    has a shelf life."

    They need money. Many people need cheaper training. Who cares if they
    went bankrupt. Seems like the cadcam user wins. From what I've seen of
    their training it's excellent.
    jon_banquer, Aug 11, 2007
  15. Steve Reinisch

    TOP Guest

    The first time I tried to defeature a Pro/E model I found out about
    just how hard not using horizontal modeling can make things. Although
    Pro/E had some neat features for reordering the interface was very
    difficult to use because every feature had a number, not a name. You
    had to know what feature the numbers referred to. That is one reason I
    fell in love with SW way back when. But times have changed and the
    complexity of the models I make has increased. Now many people push SW
    and in this area it needs a facelift.

    TOP, Aug 11, 2007
  16. jb (below) actually makes some good points, implications.
    Many good software companies, almost by dint of being good, went belly up.
    It seems going bankrupt/removal from NYSE does not reflect a bad company/bad
    product, but a corporate structure short on MFQ--MuthaFucka Quotient, and
    thus unable to survive among other entities with much higher MFQs.

    The Consumer, in their infinitiesimal wisdom, create and perpetuate this
    **** me, and I'll reward you, it seems.
    Mr. P.V.'d (formerly Droll Troll), Yonkers, NY

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    Proctologically Violated©®, Aug 11, 2007
  17. Steve Reinisch

    jon_banquer Guest

    "Now many people push SW and in this area it needs a facelift."

    It does not look to me like the SolidWorks Feature Mangler got a
    "facelift" in SolidWorks 2008.

    Perhaps I missed something in reading the 2008 What's New pdf because
    the only serious Feature Mangler update to me appears to be a filter.
    jon_banquer, Aug 11, 2007
  18. Steve Reinisch

    jon_banquer Guest

    "Go get yourself a copy of xsi, it has built in tutorials, all geared
    around "skeleton" modeling. Then you can use those skills in the other
    cad/cam products you have."

    I don't doubt it but my plate is beyond full. Have plenty of clients
    that want stuff done in SolidWorks and I have to focus my time there.
    jon_banquer, Aug 11, 2007
  19. Steve Reinisch

    vinny Guest

    It's weird, but I learned a lot about solidworks from using xsi. The
    difference is I think the documentation on each software is geared towards a
    different modeling approach for different modeling applications.
    All I can say is thank you shareaza.
    vinny, Aug 11, 2007
  20. Steve Reinisch

    Joe788 Guest

    "Plenty of clients...."

    HAAAA!!!! So in other words, you got fired from your job as an
    operator, changing parts on that "half million dollar horizontal
    machining center" that you were so proud of? Was it because you
    couldn't find that 12th pallet?
    Joe788, Aug 11, 2007
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