Home office?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by dlevy, May 8, 2006.

  1. dlevy

    dlevy Guest

    I'm thinking I can get more done at home (I used to work at home and loved
    it) and am trying figure out what to buy. I will be designing with
    Solidworks but also need MS Office. My assemblies aren't large - maybe 20
    parts tops.

    I'm considering a laptop but I'm just not convinced mobility is necessary.
    I'll pay a bit more for the convenience though.

    Any suggestions on the latest, greatest, and cheapest? I'm old and tired
    and just don't have the desire to keep up computers. I'm not really
    interested in building something. Dell? What model?

    dlevy, May 8, 2006
  2. dlevy

    ken.maren Guest

    What is your budget?
    ken.maren, May 8, 2006
  3. dlevy

    Chris Dubea Guest

    I got a brand new Dell M70 off of e-bay last year for $1300. I bumped
    the memory up to 2gb (it had 512mb) and am using it at this precise
    moment to do what you ask. It doesn't have the hi-res display (1600 x
    1200 IIRF) as that option nearly doubles the cost. Look on e-bay or
    the Dell refurb list for options. It does have the nvidia quaddro
    video adapter, so it could drive a much higher resolution external

    I've just about maxed out the hard drive, but I can get a 80gb fast
    notebook drive for $100 nowadays. That should keep me for another
    year ;>

    If I was using this at home, I would buy one of the docking stations
    and use that in conjunction with a real keyboard, mouse and big
    honking monitor.

    Good luck,
    Chris Dubea, May 8, 2006
  4. dlevy

    Bo Guest

    I 2nd the Dell laptop choice, and moved exclusively to a Dell
    Inspiration 8000 laptop when I bought SolidWorks 2000 years back. It
    still functions well, though it is merely a backup in case disaster
    ocurrs at this point. Unless some power issue comes up with massive
    assemblies, I don't see a need to leave the m60-m70 laptop for a
    desktop. If you like to do a lease-purchase, Dell will sell you a
    brand new spankin' M90 for a few hundred clams a month.

    Since then I've upgraded to the Dell M60, 1.7 ghz, and have maxed the
    memory and a fast hard drive, and it is now 2+ years old and still a
    work horse that I can move around reliably. I have a friend doing
    medical hardware design, who still works efficiently on his M50 at his
    home office and the company he does most of his work for, and their

    I just do not let the M70 on the Internet, except for critical updates
    from Microsoft, if I really think I need them. This issue is just me,
    though, as most people set up adequate firwalls and anti-malware
    programs. Those programs can slow down SolidWorks, though.

    I personally let my MacBook Pro do all my Internet work (&
    incendentally use it for SolidWorks on the road now, too, as they've
    finally made the move to the Intel CPU).

    Bo, May 8, 2006
  5. dlevy

    kb Guest

    kb, May 8, 2006
  6. dlevy

    dlevy Guest

    dlevy, May 9, 2006
  7. dlevy

    dlevy Guest

    Thanks Chris.
    dlevy, May 9, 2006
  8. dlevy

    Bo Guest

    In addition, if you look for the Special Deals on the Dell website, you
    can sometimes find Refurbished, or "last year's" models for very
    attractive prices.

    Bo, May 9, 2006
  9. dlevy

    SolidBug Guest

    Don't forget the new M20, lower end laptop workstation. Better price
    point, and it sounds like the work load isn't too heavy.
    I'm not building anymore computers either!
    SolidBug, May 9, 2006
  10. dlevy

    dlevy Guest

    I ended up with an M70.
    Second flat monitor
    Docking station

    About $3,300.

    Thanks all.
    dlevy, May 9, 2006
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