Hole wizard

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dave, Oct 18, 2003.

  1. Dave

    Dave Guest

    What is the trick for making a couterbore hole fastening two parts
    together with a total screw lenght of 1.5 inches.

    When I use the couterbore tab the hole is created in the first part
    but when I open the second part the hole is not there.

    When I use the hole series tab I get the hole through both parts but
    the only option for depth (end condition) is through all or up to

    Dave, Oct 18, 2003
  2. Dave

    kellnerp Guest

    You could create a small pocket in the second part and use up to next. It
    would be quite a cluge. This looks like an oversight.
    kellnerp, Oct 19, 2003
  3. Dave

    kellnerp Guest

    Here is another kluge:

    Create the through all hole.
    In the part where the hole is to stop suppress the in context hole wizard
    hole that was created in by the assembly.
    Show the sketch for the location point.
    Create a plane through that point and put in a hole wizard hole to the
    required depth.
    The location will change with the location in the assembly, but not the hole
    size or depth.
    kellnerp, Oct 19, 2003
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