Hole Wizard misbehaving on multibody part

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Neville Williams, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. Have just spent a very frustrating day, wrestling with the @&# hole wizard -
    from where I'm sitting it looks fubar'd.
    Hole wizard seems to loose the plot, when in multibody part environment. It's
    mostly when choosing the feature scope option and choosing a body.

    Initially hole goes in place, then when editing to change size, I get a dialog
    "no feature chosen for scope" or something similar. Weird thing is the feature
    IS selected in gui and IS listed in FM.
    Try to exit command and still get same dialog popping up. Only way out is
    hitting escape key.

    If I try editing the same hole feature again, this time without doing anything -
    just hitting the accept button, same thing.
    Try again and this time it works.???
    Seems to be random and occurs probably about 70% of time, on any hole wizard
    editing, on any multibody part.
    Can anyone shed light, in my increasingly dark corner.

    2006 SP 4.1
    Neville Williams, Apr 28, 2006
  2. Neville Williams

    Cam Guest

    Operator error?

    .... just kidding Nev. :)

    I have no idea. Good reason to stay on 2005?
    Cam, Apr 28, 2006

  3. I don't use the hole wizard, but it's been our experience that a lot of
    errors that we see go back to problems with multibody parts and the feature
    scope. It seems to be a real weak link.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, May 2, 2006
  4. Jerry,

    It don't seem to remeber this crappy behaviour in 2005.
    Solidworks must have "improved" the function beyond just the Web noodled Gui
    Neville Williams, May 3, 2006
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