Hole Wizard Hangup

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bill, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. Bill

    Bill Guest

    Anyone else having this problem? When I use hole wizard for any type
    of hole and I hit the OK button, it hangs for about 5+ seconds. We
    store our Toolbox files on the network, so I tried the default files
    that are stored locally, but it still does the same thing. We are
    using swx2007 sp3.1. We use Symantec anti-virus and we are also
    running DBworks. Everyone else here is also seeing this problem. Any


    Bill, Jul 5, 2007
  2. Bill

    TOP Guest

    I don't see it and we have a similar setup. Which version of Symantec
    AV are you running?

    TOP, Jul 5, 2007
  3. Bill

    bob zee Guest

    does it hang the first time you use hole wizard or does it do it
    everytime thoughout the day?
    you know all about how bob z. likes to unplug the network cable when
    diagnosing slow computers...

    have you opened the taskmanager to see what your machine is doing
    during the 5 second 'hiccup'? is it looking at the network? is the
    cpu jumping up there?

    bob z. is REALLY shooting in the dark here, but he couldn't resist
    jumping into an old friend's newsgroup posting.

    bob z.
    p.s.Cry your eyes bloodshot while there's still time 'cause soon it's
    gone and you'll be so shocked one queen-sized
    bob zee, Jul 6, 2007
  4. Bill

    jon_banquer Guest

    jon_banquer, Jul 6, 2007
  5. Bill

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Jul 6, 2007
  6. Bill

    Cliff Guest

    Get a bigger hammer.
    Cliff, Jul 6, 2007
  7. Bill

    pete Guest

    Are you using Solidworks then Jon??

    I thought you were a VX fan and pusher????

    The mind boggles!
    pete, Jul 6, 2007
  8. Bill

    Bill Guest

    We are running version program version and scan engine
    Bill, Jul 6, 2007
  9. Bill

    Bill Guest

    It does it every time. It seems to be working now. Yesterday, I
    narrowed it down to a system option I believe. I had SWX bypass the
    system settings when starting and it worked great. So then I started
    going through all of my settings. I would turn stuff off or on then
    check it but it didn't seem to help. I also killed a lot of the
    startup programs including all of the symantec stuff. Nothing seemed
    to help yesterday, but this morning it runs like it should. :-/
    Bill, Jul 6, 2007
  10. Bill

    Cliff Guest

    IIRC Many years ago his wife got him a demo copy
    or somesuch. He probably lost it (in more ways than one).
    I pity the results. I doubt she could afford it.
    Cliff, Jul 21, 2007
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