Hole Table Callouts with Square Holes Question (2004)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Len K. Mar, Sep 17, 2003.

  1. Len K. Mar

    Len K. Mar Guest


    The automatic hole table is pretty slick.
    However, I want a mark at the centre of the rectangle which
    corresponds to the X,Y Dimensions.

    I've been able to create a layout sketch that allows me to pick up the
    centre of the rectangle. I then insert the part into a drawing and
    turn on this "reference" sketch. It shows up in my drawing as a point.

    My next attempt is to create a sketch circle and try to use the centre

    What I would like is consistent appearance (i.e. centre marks and
    points) on my drawings.

    Is there an easier way that I may be missiing?

    Len K. Mar, Sep 17, 2003
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