Hole callouts for very small screw holes

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by groupslrn, Jul 28, 2005.

  1. groupslrn

    groupslrn Guest

    I have a component in an assembly where I added several counterbored
    holes for #1 machine screws. 0.081" dia hole, 0.1875" counterbore,
    0.041" deep into a total thickness of 0.125".

    The holes show up fine in the solid model. I then create a drawing
    from the assembly. When I go to dimension the counterbored holes using
    Insert->Annotations->Hole Callout,
    the counterbore depth which is 0.041" shows up as .00000...
    to as many decimal places that I try. I have also tried dimensioning
    the holes in the drawing by hand. ie. inserting a dimension from the
    bottom of the counterbore to the top of the part. I can't select the
    bottom of the counterbore in any mode; wireframe, hidden lines shaded,
    or solid.

    If I create a part file with a large block and a large counterbored
    hole, the hole is properly called out in the drawing.

    I am confident I am doing something improperly but so far I can't
    figure it out from the online help. I'm guessing this has something to
    do with the difference between dimensioning a part and dimensioning an
    assembly. Advice appreciated.

    --- Ravi
    groupslrn, Jul 28, 2005
  2. groupslrn

    ifalu Guest

    Can you tell me which version are you using? Also can you send me the
    part if is not too big?
    ifalu, Jul 28, 2005
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