Hole callout variables

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by j_loeff, Apr 27, 2007.

  1. j_loeff

    j_loeff Guest

    Has anyone had any luck modifying hole wizard features and having the
    changes reflected in the hole callout annotation?
    I have been working on standardizing our hole callouts by making
    derived tables from the existing standards and selecting only what we
    need for hole wizard features. I have also changed the SWbrowser to
    change description values of certain feature names. I would like to be
    able to add features to the hole wizard sketch and name the dimensions
    so that they show up in a drawing.
    For example: I add a "Thru Hole Dia." dimension to a blind counterbore
    sketch and I want this dimension to show up when a "hole callout" is
    selected in a drawing. (<thruholedia>)
    I'm not sure where SW hides the code to call variables from a hole
    wizard feature, because it would also be nice to manipulate the NUM-
    INST location.
    j_loeff, Apr 27, 2007
  2. SW or somebody should build a GUI for editing the information. I just
    don't fully understand why they have to use that kind of file format.
    Markku Lehtola, Apr 28, 2007
  3. j_loeff

    @leX Guest

    You just shold lern Regular expression http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression
    @leX, Apr 29, 2007
  4. j_loeff

    TOP Guest

    If it is just a text file, why wouldn't users do that?

    TOP, Apr 29, 2007
  5. Huh?? I agree wholeheartedly with Anna's comment. "shold lern" doesn't
    translate in yours however. Is that some "regular_expression"?
    Bruce Bretschneider, Apr 30, 2007
  6. j_loeff

    JLCAD Guest

    I have updated the calloutformat.txt file many times, but I am trying
    to edit a hole wizard feature by adding a dimension with a specific
    name and have the calloutformat.txt file identify that specific named
    dimension. All of the dimensions in a hole wizard have names, so why
    couldn't you just add dimensions using the same format? There must be
    code that only pulls certain dimension names from each hole wizard
    feature. The feature that I am trying to create and have a hole
    callout for is a relief counterbore with thru hole... the counterbore
    diameter is larger than the thru hole diameter.
    I like the idea of the GUI and I would add it to the hole wizard
    feature where you could have more control over the legacy holes and
    give the legacy holes a callout format.
    JLCAD, Apr 30, 2007
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