Hole Callout Question- placing the number of instances at end of note...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ron, Feb 21, 2004.

  1. Ron

    Ron Guest

    In SW2004 drawing hole callouts-holes created with the hole wizard are
    automatically preceded with the number of hole instances (ex.. 4X
    1/4-20...). Does anyone now how to customize this so that SW does not call
    out the number of instances, or place the number of instances at the end of
    the callout?

    Ron, Feb 21, 2004
  2. Ron

    Dave H Guest


    This is controlled by a text file in C:\Program
    Files\SolidWorks\lang\english (or whatever language you're using). The
    file is named Calloutformat.txt. A second file named
    Calloutformat_2.txt has a simpler callout structure and can be used if
    renamed to Calloutformat.txt. These are completely customizeable. Make
    sure you back these files up before playing with them.

    Have fun,
    Dave H
    Dave H, Feb 22, 2004
  3. Ron

    Ron Guest

    Dave H...

    The text files control the format of the call out, but it does not appear to
    control the format of the number of hole instances...

    SW2003 did not do this, but SW2004 adds the number of hole instances made in
    a Hole sketch to the beginning of the callout in a drawing.

    Where in the text file can do you control of the number of instances?

    Ron, Feb 22, 2004
  4. Ron

    Ron Guest

    Dave H...

    The text files control the format of the call out, but it does not appear to
    control the format of the number of hole instances...

    SW2003 did not do this, but SW2004 adds the number of hole instances made in
    a Hole sketch to the beginning of the callout in a drawing.

    Where in the text file can do you control of the number of instances?

    Ron, Feb 23, 2004
  5. Ron

    Seth Renigar Guest

    It IS possible to change the position of the number of hole instances. Just
    not automatically by default.
    In your Dimension Property, simply "Cut" <NUM_INST>X and paste it to your
    preferred location.

    Its kind of a PITA that you can't make it do this by default, but at least
    you will get your desired results.

    On a second note, I am just starting to play with hole callouts and am
    trying to customize my callout file. But I have kind of a side question
    regarding hole callouts.

    In my drawing, I prefer to create a section view thru the holes and have the
    callout pointing to the hole in the section view. Currently, I use a note
    with a leader pointing to the sectioned hole. To keep my "note" hole
    callout somewhat parametric, I dimension the sectioned hole, link my note to
    these dimensions, then hide these dimensions. First, this is also a PITA to
    do. Second, there are limitations such as not being able to link to thread
    pitches on tapped holes or with not being able to link to number of
    instances on any hole type. That is why I am starting to play with the
    built in hole callouts.

    My question: Is there a way to insert a SW hole callout to a sectioned view
    of a hole rather than a top/bottom view of the hole?
    Seth Renigar, Feb 26, 2004
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