.hol files and formatting thread notes

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Jason L, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. Jason L

    Jason L Guest

    Does anyone have any info on how to set up .hol files or know of a good
    tutorial online that walks you through step by step? I can't find much info
    on it and I find it hard to believe that everyone is just accepting the
    Pro/E Wildfire 2.0 defaults for fomatting.
    I also want to know how to get rid of the zero before a dimension in
    these hole parameters. ( For example: Ø0.2500 would show as Ø.25 )

    Also has anyone noticed that for UNC and UNF threads the default clearance
    hole diameters are ridiculously tight even for a free running fit?

    Post any examples of your .hol files here or just the CALLOUT_FORMAT field.

    Thanks in advance
    Jason L, Apr 27, 2005
  2. Jason L

    sws Guest

    C'BORE hole file, save the text in wordpad or notepad then rename to

    you will need to change config.pro add hole_parameter_file_path -
    c:\where ever you placed the CBORE_UNC.hol

    then restart ProE

    CLASS 2b
    TABLE_UNITS inch
    DEPTH_RATIO 1.25
    &CBORE_DEPTH / &Number_Size DRILL ( <CTRL-a>n<CTRL-b> &Diameter )
    &Drill_Depth / ( &Pattern_No ) HOLE

    1-64 0.073 64 #53 0.0595 81% #48
    0.0760 #46 0.0810 0 0
    0.1563 0.094 0.146 82 0.146 82
    2-56 0.086 56 #50 0.0700 62% #43
    0.0890 #41 0.0960 0 0
    0.1875 0.094 0.172 82 0.172 82
    3-48 0.099 48 #47 0.0785 69% #37
    0.1040 #35 0.1100 0 0
    0.2188 0.109 0.199 82 0.199 82
    4-40 0.112 40 #43 0.0890 65% #32
    0.1160 #30 0.1285 0 0
    0.2188 0.125 0.225 82 0.225 82
    5-40 0.125 38 #38 0.1015 65% #30
    0.1285 #29 0.1360 0 0
    0.2500 0.140 0.252 82 0.252 82
    6-32 0.138 36 #36 0.1065 71% #27
    0.1440 #25 0.1495 0 0
    0.2813 0.156 0.279 82 0.279 82
    8-32 0.164 32 #29 0.1360 62% #18
    0.1695 #16 0.1770 0 0
    0.3125 0.188 0.332 82 0.332 82
    10-24 0.190 24 #25 0.1495 69% #9
    0.1960 #7 0.2010 0 0
    0.3750 0.250 0.385 82 0.385 82
    12-24 0.216 24 #16 0.1770 66% #2
    0.2210 I 0.2280 0 0 0
    0.250 0.438 82 0.438 82
    14-20 0.242 20 #10 0.1935 75% D
    0.2460 F 0.2570 0 0 0
    0.281 0 82 0 82
    1/4-20 0.250 20 #7 0.2010 70% F
    0.2570 H 0.2660 0 0
    0.4375 0.281 0.507 82 0.507 82
    5/16-18 0.3125 18 F 0.2570 72% P
    0.3230 Q 0.3320 0 0
    0.5613 0.343 0.635 82 0.635 82
    3/8-16 0.375 16 5/16 0.3125 72% W
    0.3860 X 0.3970 0 0
    0.6250 0.406 0.762 82 0.762 82
    7/16-14 0.4375 14 U 0.3680 70% 29/64
    0.4531 15/32 0.4687 0 0
    0.7188 0.468 0.812 82 0.812 82
    1/2-13 0.500 13 27/64 0.4219 73% 33/64
    0.5156 17/32 0.5312 0 0
    0.8125 0.531 0.875 82 0.875 82
    9/16-12 0.5625 12 31/64 0.4843 68% 0
    0 0 0 0 0
    0.875 0.594 1.000 82 1.000 82
    5/8-11 0.625 11 17/32 0.5312 75% 0
    0 0 0 0 0
    1.0000 0.656 1.125 82 1.125 82
    3/4-10 0.750 10 21/32 0.6562 68% 0
    0 0 0 0 0
    1.1875 0.781 1.375 82 1.375 82
    7/8-9 0.875 9 49/64 0.7656 72% 0
    0 0 0 0 0
    1.3750 0.906 0 82 0 82
    1-8 1.000 8 7/8 0.8750 73% 0
    0 0 0 0 0
    1.6250 1.030 0 82 0 82
    1-1/8-7 1.125 7 63/64 0.9843 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0
    1.718 1.156 0 82 0 82
    1-1/4-7 1.250 7 1-7/64 1.1093 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0
    2.0000 1.313 0 82 0 82
    sws, Apr 28, 2005
  3. Jason L

    sws Guest

    Some reference information from the Knowledge Base at www.ptc.com :
    TPI - 107248
    TPI - 111399
    TPI - 112690
    TPI - 113044
    sws, Apr 28, 2005
  4. Jason L

    Jason L Guest

    Thanks sws!!!

    Jason L
    Jason L, May 3, 2005
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