HLR Shaded with edges mode in SWKS 2004

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Per O. Hoel, Dec 10, 2003.

  1. Per O. Hoel

    Per O. Hoel Guest

    I've really grown accustomed to (almost dependent upon) the display of
    parts and assemblies with HLR edges shown on shaded models.

    In 2004, unfortunately, those HLR edges appear far too "fat" for my

    I haven't changed display resolution in going from 2003 to 2004.
    1024x768 with 32-bit true color has been the norm.

    During pans, zooms and rotations, the HLR edges are displayed much
    "thinner" and I just wish they would not "bloat" when the screen
    movement ends.

    If there exists an option setting for the control of the HLR edge
    resolution, please share it with me.

    The fine line empasis upon the edges of faces on shaded parts in
    earlier versions of SolidWorks imparts a clean, professional look.

    I'm actually dreading a full-time transition to 2004 because of the
    cartoon like character of the HLR edges.

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Dec 10, 2003
  2. Per,
    Initially I didn't like the new display either. After working with it for
    many weeks, it's grown on me. In fact, when I revert to shaded without HLR,
    I don't seem to see the models as well. Don't dread...you may end up liking

    Richard Doyle, Dec 10, 2003
  3. During pans, zooms and rotations, the HLR edges are displayed much

    Sounds like you've got Anti-aliasing turned on:

    Options>System Options>Display/Selection> uncheck Anti-alias edges

    Jim Landecker, Dec 10, 2003
  4. Per O. Hoel

    matt Guest


    I don't know of a setting that makes the lines skinny, but I usually turn
    off the option Tools, Options, Colors, Use specified color for Shaded With
    Edges mode. The lines aren't actually any smaller, but it looks less
    cartoony when the edges are not black. Plus, I think it helps you
    distinguish edges of adjacent parts.


    (Per O. Hoel) wrote in
    matt, Dec 10, 2003
  5. Ooooo, I like that much better. I had somewhat grown accustomed to the
    black edges, but have always disliked the cartooney look. Much better -

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 10, 2003
  6. Per O. Hoel

    Jeff N Guest

    Matt, You Bastard!

    Why oh why didn't you tell me about this ages ago.
    Thanks for the tip! Looks 100% better.

    You may want to add some explanations to your 2004 options document under
    System>Colors........... or you may not.

    Jeff N, Dec 11, 2003
  7. Per O. Hoel

    Per O. Hoel Guest


    You're absolutely right! I hadn't thought to check the Anti-alias
    edges system option (under Display/Selection). I just presumed that
    the pixel "bloat" was similar to what SolidWorks has purposely chosen
    to use for the display of points in 2004, for example - as if a
    fountain pen were used to sketch on an absorbent napkin.

    I typically leave the option checked OFF, since the anti-aliasing has
    the opposite effect of what I think is desirable.

    The system option must be set to ON by default when SolidWorks 2004 is

    Anyway, thanks for the reminder and I think anti-aliased lines should
    look better - not worse than those that aren't...

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Dec 11, 2003
  8. Per O. Hoel

    matt Guest

    Geez, sorry. That's one of my favorites. I guess I need to keep some aces
    up my sleeve for use when I need them. Don't want to give away all my good
    stuff all at once. Anyway, I needed to soften you up so you take it easy
    on DiNapoli next week.

    Good Luck!

    matt, Dec 11, 2003
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