Highlighting selected parts?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mark, Mar 13, 2007.

  1. Mark

    Mark Guest

    I'm pretty sure that in previous versions, if I was working in an
    assembly and selected a part in the design tree, the geometry of that
    part would be highlighted in green. Since I upgraded to 2007, that
    doesn't seem to happen consistently. I can highlight features when
    I'm editing a part, or parts when I'm working with a small assembly
    (5-20 parts), but it doesn't seem to work in the "large" assembly (20
    parts, 4 subassemblies) where I really need it.

    I've been searching but I can't see any connection to large assembly
    mode (still set at a 500 part threshold) or any other options. FWIW,
    dynamic highlighting is turned on in the options (I know it doesn't
    control what I'm trying to do). I'm sure there's something obvious
    that I'm completely overlooking - any thoughts?
    Mark, Mar 13, 2007
  2. Mark

    Jean Marc Guest

    In Tools/ Options/ Featuremanager, there should be a "Dynamic Highlight"
    something (not the same language here). It's here for '06.

    Jean Marc, Mar 13, 2007
  3. Not sure as it seems to working fine here on SW2007 SP3.0. You might try
    the Rx startup option to start and bypass your options - if it works then
    you can look for something set in your particular options.

    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 13, 2007
  4. Mark

    Eddie Guest

    Prior to SW06, there was a separate setting for "dynamic highlight"
    even when working in Large Assembly mode. As of SW06, when Large
    Assembly mode is involked, this option is no longer available. It is
    off, by default.
    So much for customization. Seems SolidWorks knows what is best for
    us and in this case, what is best for everyone.
    Sadly, your only option is to submit an enhancement request to get
    back functionality you once had.
    Eddie, Mar 13, 2007
  5. Mark

    Mark Guest

    Actually it seems to have started working again when I upgraded to
    SP3.0 this afternoon - I forgot to mention before that I was using
    2.2. Guess that solves that; thanks for the suggestions though!
    Mark, Mar 13, 2007
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