Hi; I'm having a little trouble with the highlight method in VBA. In the following snippet, I'm selecting a MD part, testing each feature and, if is a drilled hole, I'm trying to highlight the edges that a hole is referenced from and pop a dialog box with the distance. Everything works except the highlight. I get the error "Generic failure to execute operation with the provided arguments." I can't find what I'm doing wrong in the help files. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Sub ParamTest() Dim objMcadApp As McadApplication Dim objMcadPart As McadPart Dim objMcadParam As McadParameter Dim objMcadFeat As McadFeature Dim objTestDescr As IMcadDescriptor 'McadCounterSinkDescriptor Dim colMcadParms As McadParameters Dim colMcadFeas As McadFeatures Dim util As McadUtility Dim pick As McadPick Set objMcadApp = Application.GetInterfaceObject("Mcad.Application") Set util = objMcadApp.ActiveDocument.Utility Set pick = util.pick("Select Component", mcBody) Set objMcadPart = util.GetObjectFromPick(pick) Set colMcadFeas = objMcadPart.Features For Each objMcadFeat In colMcadFeas Select Case objMcadFeat.FeatureType Case mcDrilledHole Set objTestDescr = objMcadFeat.Descriptor(True, True) Dim locs As McadLocators Set locs = objTestDescr.Locators Dim curve As IMcadCurve Dim loc As IMcadLocator For Each loc In locs If TypeOf loc Is McadDistanceLocator Then Set curve = loc.Object curve.Highlight True, 1 MsgBox "Distance from edge = " & loc.Distance curve.Highlight False, 1 End If Next Case...