
Discussion in 'Cadence' started by N CAD, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. N CAD

    N CAD Guest

    Hi,my display resolution is 1280x1024
    I type hiGetMaxScreenCoords() in CIW
    It return me 1270 997
    where did the 1280-1270 & 1024-997 gone?
    N CAD, Mar 20, 2009
  2. N CAD wrote, on 03/20/09 12:58:
    If you look in the documentation for hiGetMaxScreenCoords it explains this:

    The screen coordinates of the upper-right corner on the display screen. These
    coordinates take into account the window manager banner so that a window
    including a window manager banner can be located at the upper-right corner of
    the screen.

    Andrew Beckett, Mar 20, 2009
  3. N CAD

    Guest Guest

    hiGetMaxScreenCoords returns the largest size you can specify for a window
    that fits in the screen, and that size is the size of the window inside the
    window manager border.

    If you type hiGetWMOffsets() in the CIW it will probably return:

    (5 22 10 27)

    The first number is the width of the left and right side border (and the
    height of the bottom border), the second number is the height of the top
    border, the third number is the total width added for the border, and the
    fourth number is the total height added for the border.

    If you want to know the screen size, type hiGetScreenSize() in the CIW. It
    will return two lists -- the width:height in pixels and the width:height in

    -Pete Zakel

    "A billion here, a couple of billion there -- first thing you know it
    adds up to be real money."
    -Everett McKinley Dirksen
    Guest, Mar 21, 2009
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