hierarchical instance name still valid?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Erik Wanta, Sep 3, 2003.

  1. Erik Wanta

    Erik Wanta Guest

    I save a list of hierarchical instance names. Later on the schematic
    may have changed and I need to determine if the instances names that I
    saved are still valid. That is, I save I0/R0. I need to determine if
    I0/R0 still exists in the current schematic hierarchy. Any ideas on
    how to determine if a hierarchical instance name is still valid?
    Erik Wanta, Sep 3, 2003
  2. Erik Wanta

    Erik Wanta Guest

    I am checking to see if hierarchical instance names are still valid by
    doing a geAddInstProbe on the hierarchical instance names. This
    works, but I would think there would be a less kludgy approach. Any

    when(fileLength(strcat(ddGetObjReadPath(viewId) "/state"))>1

    ;load mismatch params to form

    while(gets(line inPort)

    if(rexMatchp("/" car(parseString(line))) then
    ;add / if hierarchical inst name
    hierInstName=strcat("/" car(parseString(line)))
    ) ; if

    probeId=geAddInstProbe(windowId nil hierInstName)

    ;handle iterated instances
    when(length(parseString(hierInstName "_"))>1

    first=remove(car(last(parseString(hierInstName "_")))
    parseString(hierInstName "_"))
    last=car(last(parseString(hierInstName "_")))

    hierInstName=strcat(buildString(first "_") "<" last ">")
    probeId=geAddInstProbe(windowId nil hierInstName)

    ) ; when


    nameList=append1(nameList car(parseString(line)))

    ) ; when
    ) ; when
    ) ; while

    ;delete all probes

    ) ; when

    Erik Wanta, Sep 6, 2003
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