Hideplot - Circles problem

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Le Teace, Jan 18, 2004.

  1. Le Teace

    Le Teace Guest

    I have a problem with circles hiding things if I plot with Hideplot on.
    If the xref floor layout has a circular column on it why do the circles stop
    the gridlines passing through it from plotting out ? In my latest drawing
    I drew some circles in modelspace to highlight an area for a enlarged
    detail. When I plotted, everything inside the circle did not come out. I
    tried moving the circle down in the Z axis to below the 3d objects but this
    then meant the circle was hidden below them & did not plot. I overcame this
    one by putting the circle in paperspace but would like to know if there is
    anyway to turn off this behaviour with circles.
    Le Teace, Jan 18, 2004
  2. Le Teace

    Ben Guest

    Ben, Jan 20, 2004
  3. Le Teace

    gruhn Guest

    Tried a couple ideas. They failed. Only thing I can come up with is "draw
    two arcs". Had hoped they could be exploded or some other entity abuse done.

    Ah, Ben's suggestion to use ellipse (which I haven't tested, but I'm a
    trusting fella ;-) seems an option.
    gruhn, Jan 20, 2004
  4. The command bpoly crates a polyline within a selected area.
    If a polyline is created in a circle and the circle is deleted afterwards,
    the polyline will be the replacement. Your problem will be solved.
    Greetings from Erik Slangen.
    Ubaghs CAD afdeling, Jan 22, 2004
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