Hide/Show components... show ALL or show SELECTED?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by KCS Development, Aug 18, 2003.

  1. In followup to the post titled, "Hide/Show components... any way to
    show ALL?"


    There seemed to be a need amongst SolidWorks users for various types
    of visibility toggling of components in assemblies. For example,
    picking component features (edges, vertices, faces, you name it) from
    the graphics area and then hiding them all at once. The macro I wrote
    integrates several methods of manipulating visibility all in one
    program. It allows combination picks from the graphics area and
    feature tree and supports identical functionality in suppression and
    visible states.

    One of the best features is the ability to select everything you want
    to see and hide everything else. The macro is available here,
    http://www.kentcontract.com/swmacros.shtml. Scroll down to the
    section titled "Visibility Toggling".
    KCS Development, Aug 18, 2003
  2. KCS Development

    Per O. Hoel Guest

    Yes there IS the need for various types of visibility toggling!

    The most basic (and seemingly easy to implement) is simply allowing
    the user to "undo" the previous step of hiding or showing the items

    I can't tell you how often I hide things temporarily to then redisplay
    them after a quick review of the underlying components. With only a
    few items selected, it's not so bad to pick them again from within the
    feature manager; however, with a large group, the reselection
    (sometimes going way down into subassemblies) can be very tedious...

    Another basic need is for the ability to reuse the previous selection
    of items. For example, the first time they're selected it might be
    just for hiding. Then the user may decide that that same collection
    should be suppressed, deleted, or reverted to lightweight, etc. Not
    having to reselect can be a convenient timesaver.

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Aug 19, 2003
  3. Per,

    If I understand you correctly, simply adding a couple buttons to STORE
    selection and RETRIEVE selection should add the capability you
    suggest. It would be a timesaver and I plan to implement it. I think
    I will make the other commands in the Visibility Toggling macro also
    store the selection so the selection set would not be lost if the user
    forgot to pick STORE.

    KCS Development, Aug 19, 2003
  4. KCS Development

    Ken Bolen Guest

    (Per O. Hoel) wrote...
    Well, I've been messing with this on and off for a couple months.
    (Well maybe only a day or so every week or two, but it's been in the
    back of my mind.) I just spent all night on it and I finally got it
    to work. The UI is pretty basic, and some of the error checking is
    missing, but it will work.

    Basically all you do is run the "Record" macro that will store the
    Hide/Show property of every component part and subassemly (and each of
    it's component parts and subassemlies, etc...) to the filename that it
    will prompt you to enter. That's it. The data file it creates is
    very small (1 KB), so you can have a lot of them. For example, if for
    some reason you turn some parts on/off, then some others, and then
    some others and you want to save the Hide/Show for each step, it would
    be no problem. No limits on the number of data files except your
    computer memory storage.

    Then to "toggle" back, just run the "Reset" macro and type in the
    appropriate filename of the data file to read in. A note here, any
    new parts/assemblies inserted after the data file was written will not
    be affected by the "Reset"...only parts that existed when the data
    file was created. Also, in the samples I ran thru, it just skipped
    over any missing/deleted parts/assemblies during the Reset macro, so
    hopefully no problems there.

    The macros could be used to set the suppress/resolved state too, but
    that would require that there *NOT* be any lightweight components.
    From what I could tell, the macros would interpet any lightweight
    parts as suppressed. But some of that code is in there, here and
    there if you're interested. Personally, I don't want to load in all
    the "resolved" data unless absolutely necessary.

    I don't have anywhere to post this, so shoot me an email and I'll send
    it to you. FYI, the above email address is a good one.

    Ken Bolen, Aug 20, 2003
  5. KCS Development

    Ken Bolen Guest

    I don't think that this is better than configurations. I am planning
    to use it only for "temporary" hide/showing of parts. Say you've got
    an assembley with 100 parts on it, and 50 are turned off. Well you
    decide that you only want to only have 10 of those visible, then do
    some editing, then go back to the previous 50. The 1st macro writes
    whether the parts are shown/hidden, then I select the 10 parts I want
    and run a ShowOnly macro, then you do the editing on those 10 parts
    (including adding or deleting parts/subassemblies), then run the other
    macro that resets the show/hide status to get the screen back to the
    50 parts (ignorong deleted and new files). I don't know how much more
    I'll use it instead of just making a temporary configuration. This
    really came about from the AutoCAD users gripping about how they did
    this before in AutoCAD and wanted a similiar "macro" style capability.
    SolidWorks isn't fairing well at our company. We've got AutoCAD that
    has literally gotten 1,000's of hours of customization in it, specific
    to our work...and everyone already knows how to use it. I can't stand
    AutoCAD and am doing whatever I can to get out of the 2D,
    non-parametric world. Then I saw some posts that sounded like they
    were looking for the same thing, so here it is.

    Ken Bolen, Aug 21, 2003
  6. The Visibility Toggling macro for assemblies has been improved. It
    now offers the ability to store a selection set and retrieve it later.
    The macro toolbar is also now sizeable. Thanks to Per for the
    suggestions and helping with the testing. Sorry you ended up being a
    Beta tester Per.

    Anyway, why would you want to use this macro vs. a configuration? They
    serve different purposes. Configurations are better for static views.
    During the design process, however, there is often the need to just
    view a few components to finish an incontext sketch or layout or for
    mating. That's where the macro comes in handy. It allows dynamic, on
    the fly, toggling of the visible and suppressed states of components.
    You can select a few components or even features on a component (edge,
    vertex, face) and press the Hide Others button to hide everything
    else. Press Show All does just that. Show <-> Hide hides all visible
    selected components and shows all hidden ones. Similar commands are
    available for suppression. Lastly, Store allows you to put a
    selection set in a buffer for future retrieval. This works well with
    the Show <-> Hide command as well as for any other command for which
    you want to do group operations.

    Check it out at KentContract.com/swmacros.shtml

    Anyone else have suggestions for macros? First release is FREE for the
    one who suggests a viable macro.

    KCS Development
    KCS Development, Aug 21, 2003
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