Hide or Delete Section Line

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by alphawave, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. alphawave

    alphawave Guest

    Was wondering if it is possible to either hide or delete a section
    line and the view arrows but keep the section view.

    The only way I can think of to work around this is is by creating a
    broken out surface, which is fine for simple sections - but not for
    ones where the section line is stepped.

    I need to use the drawing for a non technical demo - it just needs to
    look good visually.


    alphawave, Oct 17, 2008
  2. alphawave

    Tob Guest

    You should be able to change the Layer of the Section Line to one that
    can be turned off.

    Hope that helps
    Tob, Oct 17, 2008
  3. alphawave

    IYM Guest

    One trick to do the above:

    copy (ctrl-c) the view that you want to section, (but do not want the
    section line), and paste in an unused corner or just off the drawing sheet
    (esentially, creating a duplicate view). Add the section line to that view
    and create your section. Break the alignment on your newly created section
    view and align it with the other view you copied. Right click the "fake"
    view that has the section view and select "hide view". When the dialog box
    asks if you want to hide related views, select "no" or your newly created
    section view will hide as well. Now you have the illusion that you are
    looking for in that you have a section view, but no section line.

    IYM, Oct 17, 2008
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