Hide column in SW2005-type BOM

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by LNielsen, Jan 10, 2005.

  1. LNielsen

    LNielsen Guest

    Is there a trick to hide a column in a BOM table (not an Excel type)?
    The official way, as described in the help system, does not work (this
    is acknowledged by a SW tech).
    I need to hide the PartNo column, but since it is needed for the BOM to
    work, I can't just delete it. I get my "true" part number from a title
    block in a parts drawing version of the part.

    LNielsen, Jan 10, 2005
  2. LNielsen

    Steve Tietz Guest

    I have also verified this as an issue. However I think I had found a
    workaround from someone on this newsgroup.

    you can move the part number column to the beginning or the end (you might
    want to save your template this way). Then you can split the column by
    right clicking on the column & choosing the split options. then move that
    column off the page so that it does not print. Or you might be able to
    delete it or hide it I am not sure about that though.

    Please submit an enhancement request & make sure that your SW Tech also
    reports it to solidworks -- so that all bases are covered.

    Hope that helps.
    Steve Tietz
    Steve Tietz, Jan 10, 2005
  3. LNielsen

    LNielsen Guest

    Yes, I had looked at that, too, but found that it still would not hide
    the column. However, you gave me an idea. If you move the the column to
    the front of the BOM and then split it off the column (I anchor my BOM
    to the upper right drawing corner and can then preserve my anchor
    point), then you can put the part on a hidden layer.

    Lennart Nielsen
    LNielsen, Jan 10, 2005
  4. LNielsen

    CAD Guy Guest


    SW2005 SP1.0 should have the ability to hide columns in the SW BOM. I
    tested SP1.0 EV and it works OK.

    CAD Guy
    CAD Guy, Jan 10, 2005
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