Hidden Ordinates and API

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ALeMond, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. ALeMond

    ALeMond Guest

    Does anybody know how to rejog ordinates so that it doesn't jog around
    hidden ordinates after rebuilding a model using the API?

    My problem, specifically, is this:
    I am using VBA to rebuild parts and then update the drawings of these
    parts. After the rebuild, some features may be suppressed and their
    corresponding dimensions (ordinate) are hidden. When I rejog the set
    of ordinate dimensions, it spaces out all of the dimensions in that set
    (including the hidden ones) and thus spaces everything out way past the
    end of the part because of all the hidden dimensions taking up space.
    Is there any way to keep the rejog from looking at hidden ordinates?

    Austin LeMond
    ALeMond, Sep 27, 2006
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