Hidden LInes in Drawings/Line weight

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by billyb, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. billyb

    billyb Guest

    Is there a way once I have the drawing open, and I change the option
    System Options/Drawings/Display Style/ hidden lines to hidden lines
    "on", that the current view in the drawing are updated immediately?
    I seem to have to delete the old view and THEN put in a new view to
    get the hidden line to show.
    The solid line always look so bold when I look at the drawing, is
    there a line thinkness adjustment? I much appreciate any help.
    billyb, Dec 3, 2007
  2. billyb

    billyb Guest

    Thanks on the line weights, got it.
    Still trying to get this one, anyone might know if there is there a
    way once I have the drawing open, and I change the option
    System Options/Drawings/Display Style/ hidden lines to hidden lines
    "on", that the current view in the drawing are updated immediately?
    I seem to have to delete the old view and THEN put in a new view to
    get the hidden line to show.
    billyb, Dec 3, 2007
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