hidden line removal...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Devin, Mar 1, 2004.

  1. Devin

    Devin Guest

    I've got a 3d object, actually I've got all the points that make up a 3d
    object. How would I go about removing the hidden lines, or rather in my
    case, making them dashed?


    Devin, Mar 1, 2004
  2. Devin

    mataeux Guest

    there are different ways to do it

    the best way to do it depends on the complexity of your 3d model, what
    version of autocad, ...

    I assume you know about hide, hideprecision, hide plot, isolines, dispsilh,
    facetres, obscured lines, halogap, solview...
    here are a couple of TRANSPARENCY methods you may not know about:

    your 3d model contains whatever 3d objects that define the object, you also
    want to define the hidden line representation of the model: On a separate
    layer of your 3d model, say HIDDEN, simply draw lines over the edges that
    you want to show dashed.
    NOW, in a separate drawing, you'll set up a sheet with two viewports: In one
    viewport include the layers that make up your 3d model, and exclude the
    HIDDEN layer, set the viewport to hideplot. In the other viewport, include
    ONLY the HIDDEN layer and you dont have to set the viewport to hide. The
    view in both viewports should coincide exactly!
    when you plot, the first viewport shows the 3d object hidden, the second
    viewport overlays the hidden line representation.

    define a linetype thus:

    *TRANSPARENT_HIDDEN,dashed line that does not hide behind 3d objects

    Now trace over the desired edges of your 3d model with lines having this
    linetype. the lines should go on the same layer as the edges they coincide
    with and have the same or lighter lineweight.
    Hide operations will see the embedded text ("") in the linetype, and ignore
    the entire line, allowing it to show through 3d objects! (as long as
    HIDETEXT is off).

    good luck,
    mataeux, Mar 2, 2004
  3. Devin

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    OLD-CADaver, Mar 2, 2004
  4. Devin

    Devin Guest

    I think that will work, thanks!
    Devin, Mar 5, 2004
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