
Discussion in 'Cadence' started by SS, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. SS

    SS Guest

    Is there a function that would list all the layer purpose pairs in a a
    given list ??

    hiCreateLayerCyclicField creates it in a cyclic field. Any function
    similar to this ?

    SS, Jan 10, 2006
  2. I didn't realy under stand what you mean with
    But I think this could be what you want:

    1. leGetValidLayerList( techGetTechFile( ddGetObj( t_techLib ) ) )

    return value is a list of layer purpose pairs
    '( ( "layer1" "drawing" ) ... )

    2. setof(
    techGetTechFile( ddGetObj( t_techLib ) )~>layers

    return value is the a list of layer dbId's

    The second method is more flexible.
    It can be variated, you can use 'lps'
    (layer purpose pairs) rather than 'layers'.
    And also the the filter attribute of the layer can
    be changed form 'valid' to 'changeLayer', 'selectable'
    or 'dragEnable'.

    Bernd Fischer, Jan 11, 2006
  3. SS

    SS Guest

    I am sorry it should have been display all layer purpose pairs in a
    given list(or valid_layers).
    I want all layers to be displayed like the in LSW and not cyclic.

    SS, Jan 11, 2006
  4. I thought there was a function for getting the icon for a layer purpose pair,
    but I couldn't find it (my memory must be failing me in my old age).

    One approach you could take is to put a bunch of cyclic fields on the
    form, each with a single layer choice. Bit of a hack, but might be good

    Andrew Beckett, Jan 12, 2006
  5. SS

    SS Guest

    Thanks Andrew,

    SS, Jan 13, 2006
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