Hey whats this DWGgateway

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dames, Feb 4, 2005.

  1. Dames

    Dames Guest

    I am not one to usually compain about somthing, but i read this on the
    Solidworks Site, which is about the DWGgateway software.

    "....No longer must AutoCAD users upgrade just to continue sharing
    standard 2D design data with colleagues and business partners. The
    DWGgateway ensures that AutoCAD users can work efficiently with
    colleagues, customers, partners, and suppliers without facing annoying
    "incompatible version" messages...... "

    Now why can't we have the same features eg: able to save as 2004 ?
    Dames, Feb 4, 2005
  2. Dames

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Now why can't we have the same features eg: able to save as 2004 ?

    Backward compatibility is relatively easy when all you are talking about is
    data entities / geometry (a point's a point, line's a line, etc.). When
    the functions that create the data entities are considered the problem is
    apparent (that's assuming there are in fact new functions in the newer
    release). That's the gist of it, anyway, and it does present real
    problems. Fact-o-the-matter is it can be done; witness the $20k + cross
    platform feature enabled translators. When they can't duplicate a feature
    they create a non-parametric surface (simplified, generalized, hearsay
    explanation). If there's a market, there's a way....
    Jeff Howard, Feb 4, 2005
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