Here's where all the brain power is..

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Paul Richardson, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. Since you all here.... can I get my VBA modified event to run after a
    drawing has been closed and re-opened??? ie. change the length of a LINE and
    it fires the Event??? Maybe ARX is the answer?? Tks.

    Also, the sample "helloWORLD:)" program that started this would be
    cool....Just got 05 ...ordered 'NET

    USA(could care less where your from, as long as you can help...HA)
    Paul Richardson, Jul 21, 2004
  2. Paul Richardson

    lorier Guest

    Hi, no brain power here, but can you elaborate please. Are you saying for example, you want to change the length of any number of lines, close the drawing, and then when the drawing is reopened for the drawing to recognize that the lines were changed and do something?
    lorier, Jul 21, 2004
  3. YES...I already have that set up thru a Modified_Event. I change the length
    of a line(any Modified_Event object) and it's length is updated on the
    screen and in an Excel file. Works great. But... if I close the drawing the
    objects that I created as a New EventClass will no longer update. They are
    only alive when created by my VBA app and said app is running. Can this be
    remedied in VBA?

    example, you want to change the length of any number of lines, close the
    drawing, and then when the drawing is reopened for the drawing to recognize
    that the lines were changed and do something?
    Paul Richardson, Jul 21, 2004
  4. Paul Richardson

    MP Guest

    store xdata on the entities?
    enter their handles in a dictionary?
    store handles in external file, txt xml etc
    MP, Jul 21, 2004
  5. so recreate each object when the app is run..Cool. There are can be up 600
    to 2000 EventClass objects in each drawing... but all machines are quite
    quick and program runs in couple of seconds...shouldn't add anytime to

    Thank You.....I'll let ya know...
    Paul Richardson, Jul 21, 2004
  6. Tks...
    Paul Richardson, Aug 6, 2004
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