Here's a new one...DXF.DWG

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by DT, May 19, 2005.

  1. DT

    DT Guest

    We have 2 users that when they try to use the SAVEAS command it adds
    ..DWG or .DXF to the end of the file. Example, saveas FILENAME.DXF gets
    saved as FILENAME.DXF.DWG. The file is useless. I tried renaming the
    file and taking the extra .DWG but when opening the file it's blank.
    I've also seen this, when someone is creating a template file:

    Has anyone ever seen these problems before?
    DT, May 19, 2005
  2. DT

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Problem is, you must specify .dxf format (or .dwt) in the appropriate
    pulldown in the SAVEAS dialog. If you don't, then AutoCAD assumes you want
    to save in the .dwg format, and thinks the .dxf is part of the name. Do it
    correctly, and the result will be as expected.
    Paul Turvill, May 19, 2005
  3. DT;

    If you would like, zip up the files (both the .dwg & the .dwg.dxf) and
    we will take a look.

    (NOTE: if the files are over 2 megs after being zipped, let us know and
    we will set up a special ftp account for you to upload to.)

    What ver. of ACAD are you on ? Any other special odd-on's or programs ?

    If you would like to persue this, reply to this e-mail (remove the

    Support Dept.
    D. Alan Hooper, May 19, 2005
  4. DT

    DT Guest

    <<you must specify .dxf format>> They did this.
    We are running Autocad Mechanical v6.0. I opened up plane old Vanilla
    Autocad and had no problems. I then uninstalled and reinstalled Autocad
    Mechanical and the problem is still there. Strange...
    DT, May 19, 2005
  5. DT

    DT Guest

    We're running Autocad Mechanical v6.0. In the above post I replied that
    I opened up Vanilla Autocad and everything worked fine. Something in
    Mechanical is messed up.
    DT, May 19, 2005
  6. DT

    stype Guest

    i ve never seen it, but is the file is really empty? try renaming it in
    DOS sometimes windows dont have rename option set correctly
    stype, May 24, 2005
  7. DT

    DT Guest

    no, the file is not empty. I tried renaming it in DOS also...same thing.
    DT, May 24, 2005
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