Here's a fun one!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jay, Jul 25, 2005.

  1. Jay

    Jay Guest

    Hi NG guys,

    I thought this would be an interesting one for the lot of ya. Please
    tell me your ideas as to how I should approach modeling the thread form that
    is on the page this link points to. I need to create a form tool in our
    library for this baby. We were just modeling it as a dome with a hole in the
    middle however it interfered with reality when the little fella crossed over
    a closely cut edge because the model did not acurately depict the tail
    effect that it has. So I though I would make it more realistic. Any
    offerings or suggestions?

    2005 SP3

    Thanx for help in advance!!!

    Jay, Jul 25, 2005
  2. Jay

    matt Guest

    Looks like a sweep where the center is a helix and the outside is a
    spiral, then sweep an arc using the spiral as the path and the helix as
    a GC. As for making it into a forming tool, that shouldn't be hard.

    I put together something that looks like the picture, and made it form a
    sheetmetal part just to make sure it works. It's the wrong hand and way
    too big, so you'll have to actually go through the steps and make it
    yourself with the right dimensions. You might also have to add some

    Anyway, good luck.

    matt, Jul 25, 2005
  3. Jay

    Jay Guest

    Thanks Matt,

    You saved me alot of time from beating my head against the monitor. I
    have a few things that need to be addressed and you guys will probably hear
    from me again. One thing at a time though. Thanks again.

    Jay, Jul 25, 2005
  4. Jay

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Jul 25, 2005
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