HELPPPP - Corrupted files!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Divenpuke, Feb 26, 2007.

  1. Divenpuke

    Divenpuke Guest

    I've been working on a project for a week straight and now the files won't
    open!!! I've rebooted like 40 times, I can't find any of the temp files,
    AHHHHHHHH!!! It won't open ANY solidwoks files now, even old ones. I can't
    even save a new part that I've created! Here's the hard part...I don't
    have the CD's anymore to reinstall. Any suggestions?

    This is the error it gives me:
    Divenpuke, Feb 26, 2007
  2. Divenpuke

    MM Guest

    Sounds like it's a corrupt user registry for Solidworks.

    If you feel comfortable with it, delete the following key under

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Solidworks\Solidworks 2006 (or whatever version
    that's giving you problems). Don't delete any other folders (keys) from
    under the main Solidworks one. This will set Solidworks back to the default
    installed state


    A quick way to test this is to log on as administrator, or another user, and
    see if it fixes it.

    Good luck

    MM, Feb 27, 2007
  3. Divenpuke

    ryanhay Guest

    call the Var that is why you have support in cases like this

    never seen this in 10 yrs
    ryanhay, Feb 27, 2007
  4. Divenpuke

    MM Guest

    Ain't been around much have ya ;>)

    Seen it many times over the past 10 years with 10 users. it's a Windows
    thing more than a Solidworks thing. This guys problem sounds system or
    driver related.

    MM, Feb 27, 2007
  5. Seen it many times over the past 10 years with 10 users. it's a Windows
    Timely topic - Ironically, we just ran into this exact problem on a
    laptop system this morning.
    The laptop worked great up through the end of the day yesterday, but
    when I started it this morning (after hooking it up to our network to
    get a file) I started to get this error on SWx files (2006 and 2007).
    Deleting the tilda doesn't work - I get the same error on files copied
    from the server and pasted onto the desktop using windows explorer (no
    tilda) AND when trying to open a file created and saved on that laptop
    today. Shutting down and restarting was no help - nothing has been.
    BTW-No problem with other file types - just SWx parts.

    Edward T Eaton, Feb 27, 2007
  6. Divenpuke

    TOP Guest

    Care to tell us what OS you are using? what hardware?
    Did you make an administrative image or install straight from disk?

    Can you list the SW files you were working on?

    Is the problem that SW won't read the files or that SW itself isn't
    running right?

    When you say you can't find the temp files where are you looking? Why
    are you looking for temp files?

    Did you have autorecover turned on?

    Did you have backups turned on? If so did you have it set to 1 or 2+?

    Did you have a nightly backup going? Was it file based or a partition
    TOP, Feb 28, 2007
  7. Divenpuke

    Divenpuke Guest

    Just wanted to update:

    It turned out to be a service i'd turned off to try n' squeeze some extra
    performance outta this poor old thing. Opps.
    It was the DCOM service. I just googled the error.
    Everything is fine.

    Divenpuke, Feb 28, 2007
  8. Divenpuke

    TOP Guest

    Bet you did that just before things went south too, didn't you?

    TOP, Feb 28, 2007
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