
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by cesi2d, Mar 17, 2005.

  1. cesi2d

    cesi2d Guest


    I'm needing some "how to" logical help

    We are writing software using : Lisp , VBA , Dll , Ocx files

    LISP call VBA , VBA call DLL and/or OCX files , so the on VBA modules
    This files are located inside 3 directories (LISP , VBA , DLLOCX)
    During software writing and testing we need to select the the rights lines
    in the VBA reference tab.
    This references are using absolute path names

    During the installation process on the customer PC , the customer can change
    the directories locations,
    for exemple each of them on an different drive letter

    The problems are :
    dynamicly recreate the links (actually we use Regsvr32 the first time to
    permit to change one dll to an new version of them (with the same name)
    with an copy process (actually , doing this does an vba compilation error)
    do this on OEM developpement (no vbaide acces)



    Luc Vallot
    Chemin du Bassard
    38121 Chonas l ' amballan

    Tel: 04 74 58 95 68
    cesi2d, Mar 17, 2005
  2. cesi2d

    GTVic Guest

    If a DLL or OCX changes and the Class ID in the registry also changes then the only solution is to send out a new version of your VBA/VB compiled for that version. Otherwise the user must do this manually in the IDE by unselecting the old reference and re-selecting the new reference.

    The path that the DLL or OCX is installed in does not matter. If the new DLL or OCX has the same Class ID but is installed in a different location it will be automatically located by its registry entry. If the Class ID changes then it is like an entirely new DLL/OCX.

    You could try the "Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Extensibility" reference and create a macro that would update your other macro(s).
    GTVic, Mar 17, 2005
  3. cesi2d

    cesi2d Guest

    ok, I now understand my problem

    thanks for your help


    the only solution is to send out a new version of your VBA/VB compiled for
    that version. Otherwise the user must do this manually in the IDE by
    unselecting the old reference and re-selecting the new reference.
    DLL or OCX has the same Class ID but is installed in a different location it
    will be automatically located by its registry entry. If the Class ID changes
    then it is like an entirely new DLL/OCX.
    create a macro that would update your other macro(s).
    cesi2d, Mar 18, 2005
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