help with "today"... i goofed

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by The real JD, Feb 20, 2004.

  1. The real JD

    The real JD Guest

    I wanted to change the today window in autocad. It wasn't loading up
    properly anyway and gave me a script error message. So I wound up replacing
    actoday.htm with my own htm file. (my htm file redirects to a support page
    on our network).

    Well, it works fine and dandy, but when I start AutoCAD with "today" and i
    close the today window, i don't get a blank drawing. I get the shortened
    menu toolbar that only offers to start a new drawing or open and existing
    drawing. If I click the "new dwg" button on the toolbar, it just launches
    "today" again.
    How can I launch a blank drawing from the today window?

    The original today never loaded properly so i turfed it. (oops)
    The real JD, Feb 20, 2004
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