help with split config macro

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Damian, Oct 27, 2004.

  1. Damian

    Damian Guest

    Hope someone can help me with this.

    I am looking for someone to modify a macro for me. I have a macro that I got
    of the net about 12 months ago that I am having a problem with. The problem
    is that towards the end of the code there is a comment that says the macro
    will remove any unused configs in a part when it is run but it doesn't seem
    to work. The macro when run saves each config as a new part in the same path
    with a new name (name is the config description). I really need these extra
    config to be stripped from each new part as the file sizes just get to big
    to handle.
    Any help would be great as I don't have any idea of coding what so ever.

    Option Explicit
    Sub main()
    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Dim swConfig As SldWorks.configuration
    Set swConfig = swModel.GetActiveConfiguration
    Dim fname, ext, current As String
    fname = swModel.GetPathName
    ext = Mid(fname, InStr(fname, ".")) ' extension with leading dot
    fname = Mid(fname, 1, InStr(fname, ".") - 1) ' path + name without
    current =
    Dim configs As Variant
    configs = swModel.GetConfigurationNames
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To UBound(configs)
    If Not swModel.ShowConfiguration2(configs(i)) Then
    Debug.Print ("Could not switch to config " + configs(i))
    Dim name As String
    name = fname + configs(i) + ext
    Dim err As Long
    Dim warning As Long
    Call swModel.SaveAs4(name, swSaveAsCurrentVersion, _
    swSaveAsOptions_Copy + swSaveAsOptions_Silent +
    swSaveAsOptions_AvoidRebuildOnSave, _
    err, warning)
    Dim newdoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Set newdoc = swApp.OpenDoc(name, swDocPART) ' works only for
    parts at the moment
    If Not (newdoc Is Nothing) Then ' let's remove the unneeded
    Dim j As Long
    For j = 0 To UBound(configs)
    If (i <> j) Then newdoc.DeleteConfiguration (configs(j))
    Next j
    swApp.CloseDoc (name)
    End If
    End If
    Next i
    swModel.ShowConfiguration2 (current) ' revert to current config
    End Sub
    Damian, Oct 27, 2004
  2. 27.10.2004 01:27:00
    Hey! This is MY code ! and you (or the person you got the macro from)
    removed the header which says :
    ' SolidWorks macro to save each configuration of the current document
    in a separate file
    ' copyright 2004, DynaBits sàrl Switzerland, all rights reserved
    ' this code is freely available under the following conditions:
    ' - it might not be used in commercial products without written
    ' - DynaBits offers no support, makes no guarantee and endorses no
    responsibility about this code
    ' - please send any enhancement, correction or change to
    . Thanks!
    The extra configs aren't removed when the part has a design table or
    the configs are in a hierarchy. I will do it one day, but my macros
    aren't free anymore...
    Philippe Guglielmetti -
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Oct 27, 2004
  3. Damian

    Dmgillespie Guest

    Sorry Philippe
    Was not aware of the owner of this code, guess I will have to wait for you
    enhancements one day.
    Dmgillespie, Oct 27, 2004
  4. Damian

    rocheey Guest

    there is a comment that says the macro will remove any unused
    Well, it actually DOES remove them, but then the new docs were
    closed without saving.

    There was also a SWX bug which returns an "error" when trying to
    switch to a cfg that is the active one; I just ignore the error
    and see if the current cfg is the one I want.

    I also took the liberty of hypenating the newly created filename
    using the syntax :
    OriginalName - Cfg Name.

    ' ----- snip --------- snip ------------- snip -----------------

    Option Explicit
    Sub main()
    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim newdoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim swConfig As SldWorks.Configuration
    Dim fname As String, ext As String
    Dim current As String
    Dim configs As Variant, newConfigs As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim err As Long, warning As Long

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Set swConfig = swModel.GetActiveConfiguration

    fname = swModel.GetPathName
    ext = Mid(fname, InStr(fname, ".")) ' extension with leading dot
    fname = Mid(fname, 1, InStr(fname, ".") - 1) ' path + name without
    current =

    configs = swModel.GetConfigurationNames
    For i = 0 To UBound(configs)
    swModel.ShowConfiguration2 (configs(i)) ' ignore return error!

    If Not = (configs(i)) Then
    Debug.Print ("Could not switch to config " + configs(i))
    Dim name As String
    name = fname & "-" & configs(i) & ext

    Call swModel.SaveAs4(name, swSaveAsCurrentVersion,
    swSaveAsOptions_Copy + swSaveAsOptions_Silent +
    swSaveAsOptions_AvoidRebuildOnSave, _
    err, warning)

    Set newdoc = swApp.OpenDoc(name, swDocPART) ' works only
    for parts at the moment
    If Not (newdoc Is Nothing) Then ' let's remove the
    unneeded configs
    ' make sure the config we want is current; erase the
    newdoc.ShowConfiguration2 (configs(i))
    For j = 0 To UBound(configs)
    If (i <> j) Then newdoc.DeleteConfiguration
    Next j

    Call newdoc.SaveAs4(name, swSaveAsCurrentVersion,
    swSaveAsOptions_Copy + swSaveAsOptions_Silent +
    swSaveAsOptions_AvoidRebuildOnSave, _
    err, warning)
    swApp.CloseDoc (name)
    Set newdoc = Nothing
    End If
    End If
    Next i

    swModel.ShowConfiguration2 (current) ' revert to current config
    Set swConfig = Nothing
    Set swModel = Nothing
    Set swApp = Nothing

    End Sub

    ' --- snip ------------- snip ------------- snip --------------

    A couple more things:

    1) Philippe Guglielmetti : now we're "even" (My feature hiding code on
    your site
    was written by me)

    2) Now I can go back to acting like an adult. <grin>

    3) Paste the following at the top of the code above:

    ' SolidWorks macro to save each configuration of the current document
    in a separate file
    ' copyright 2004, DynaBits sàrl Switzerland, all rights reserved
    ' this code is freely available under the following conditions:
    ' - it might not be used in commercial products without written
    ' - DynaBits offers no support, makes no guarantee and endorses no
    responsibility about this code
    ' - please send any enhancement, correction or change to
    . Thanks!
    rocheey, Oct 27, 2004
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