Help with solidworks needed

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Guest, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I am a student who is just beginning with solidworks. I want to
    create a sketch that I can later extrude that follows mathematical
    equations. In particular at this time epicycloids and hypocycloids. I
    would appreciate any advse on how to easily accomplish this task.


    Guest, Nov 21, 2008
  2. Guest

    post Guest

    What exactly does this mean, Bob? Do you want the height of the
    extrude to vary cyclically with time (but the x-section.. ie your
    remains constant)?

    Or do you want the path of extrusion (the centerline of extrusion) to
    follow some function between two bounds?
    post, Nov 21, 2008
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks for the reply.

    Neither, if I understand your question.

    I want to sketch epicycloids and hypocycloids in the X-Y plane and
    then extrude the resulting sketches a fixed amount in the Z direction.

    My problem is I do not know how to sketch arbitrary mathematical
    equations or functions in Solidworks. I could calculate a series of
    points on the curves and connect the points with a spline but the
    resulting sketch would not truly follow the mathematical equation and
    in my situation could create points of interference when the parts are
    meshed in an assembly.

    Guest, Nov 22, 2008
  4. Guest

    That70sTick Guest

    The latest SW has 2D equation-driven curves. There are limitations, I
    think it can only do curves where y=F(x). It can not do curves where
    x&y = F(t), which is what I think you need for cycloids.

    Pro/E would be perfectly suited for this.

    I have generated true involutes using trace paths in COSMOS/Motion.
    Perhaps you could do something similar.

    With any solution using SW sketches or curve-thru-points, pay close
    attention to the curvature of your resultant curve. If you trace a
    spline through a set of points, the ends may have errant curvature
    that will muck up the whole spline.
    That70sTick, Nov 22, 2008
  5. Guest

    obama Guest

    Can SW do curves in polar. I could convert the equations to polar
    (r=F(theta)) using the fact that r = sqrt (x*x + y*y) and theta =
    Is this a problem if the spline is closed?

    obama, Nov 22, 2008
  6. Guest

    That70sTick Guest

    Not a problem with close splines.
    That70sTick, Nov 22, 2008
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