Help with printing a schematic from unix command line

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by VOSS, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. VOSS

    VOSS Guest

    I'm search for help on printing from the command line. I have tried
    creating a loading a template from the skill command line, but this
    does not work.

    Please advise if you know of a way.
    VOSS, Jun 25, 2006

  2. For a schematic, you can do it by defining the variable schPlotOptions
    with appropriate content, and then doing:


    One way of creating the schPlotOptions is to setup the form, and then save the
    template. You can then do:


    This is covered in the documentation for schPlot. You can find that in the
    Schematic SKILL Manual:


    Andrew Beckett, Aug 2, 2006
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