Help with printing a frame

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Ges, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. Ges

    Ges Guest

    Hi ppl
    I have mayor difficulties with drawing a standard frame. The frame on
    A4 should look like this: 2,5cm from left side of paper, and 0,5 from
    other three sides.
    So, the way I do it is to draw a frame of a A4 paper: 210x297, and the
    inside it I draw that desired frame, described above
    When printing it, I choose in "what to plot: window", then I select
    whole A4 frame (210x297) and then "center of the plot" and scale 1:1
    The result is that my print looks like this: on the left frame is
    offset 2,5cm, from top it is offset 0,55cm, from bottom it is offset
    0,25cm and right frame line isn't printed at all
    So please direct me what I'm doing wrong

    Also, I would like to apply it to "extends", so I don't have to choose
    print area every time with "window", but to choose extends and to
    print it

    And last thing, by mistake I have hidden bar above command line that
    says "model, layout 1, layout 2" and I dont know how to bring it back.
    So, please enlight me there too!

    Thanks in advance!
    Ges, Mar 15, 2007
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