Help with plotting problem

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by sdunn, Jun 29, 2004.

  1. sdunn

    sdunn Guest

    Autocad 2002 (LDD) plotting to OCE 9600 and HP1050c

    We have had several drawings on different workstations that have a problem
    plotting. The finished plot has breaks in lines that appear random. The
    gaps are not at the ends of line or arc segments. We have all of the
    current updates/patches installed. We have the latest drivers installed.
    The problems are happening on the Windows 2000 and Windows XP platforms.
    They do not appear in the drawing or the plot preview. This problem only
    happens when plotting from paperspace. The only solution we have had is to
    create a model space version of the drawing for the particular sheet having
    the problem. Has anyone had this problem before?

    Can anyone offer a solution?
    sdunn, Jun 29, 2004
  2. sdunn

    b_thurlo Guest

    We have the same problem with an Oce 9400. We're using the raster driver built into Windows 2003. We're using a pc3 pointing to that system printer (not a hdi driver).
    I think it's something in the 2003 driver...I can plot to an NT 4.0 server/driver with the same plotter and I don't have the problem. Since the Oce 9400s aren't supported on Windows 2003, our only solution was to buy Oce TDS 600s.
    b_thurlo, Jul 2, 2004
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