Help with Mirror Components

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John H, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. John H

    John H Guest

    I find the Help files on Mirror Components to be a bit lacking and there are
    some details about how the command works that I'm not sure about.

    I created a top level assy to which is added a sub-assy.
    I've then used the "mirror component" command to create another sub-assy
    (I'll call it "sub-assy_mirror) in the to level, which is mirrored about a
    reference plane. Some of the parts are now also handed.

    What I don't understand is quite how the associativity works.
    For example, if I change the distance betwen the reference plane and the
    source sub-assy, the sub-assy_mirror does not alter its position to suit.

    So, is it that once the mirrored assy has been created, it has a definition
    buried somwhere of how the mirror plane was initially?
    Can I delete the mirror plane?
    What happens if I change the position of the sub-assy relative to the mirror
    plane in another configuration?
    Does the mirror command care about configs?

    Any insight would be much appreciated.

    John H
    John H, Jun 15, 2007
  2. Mirror components has never been close to working as advertised. Swx
    seemingly gave up on it years ago, and they do not discuss it.

    When the mirror copies are created, they are not constrained to anything.
    There is associativity of the components, but not of the positions of the
    mirror copies. You will need to make all mates just like you did on the
    originals. If you want the new sub to move with the original, you'll need
    to symmetry mate at least one of the components back to one of the

    bill allemann, Jun 15, 2007
  3. John H

    John H Guest

    Yes, I was rapidly coming to the conclusion that the command was crap.
    Even I-DEAS, which was never really aimed at the machinery market, has a
    great mirror assembly command.

    When you say there is "associativity of the components", does the mirrored
    part just have it "hard coded" into it where the mirror plane position was
    at the time of creation?

    John H
    John H, Jun 15, 2007
  4. My apologies, Keith, but I was away from assemblies for a while, so I never
    persued it
    (and the BOM issue may have put me off at the time).
    I'm not sure is there is a more direct way, but I googled the message, and
    the link is

    bill allemann, Jun 15, 2007
  5. John H

    TOP Guest

    SW only states that mirror places parts in approximately the right
    location. Or you could say a visually correct location. It is not
    always able to reestablish mates in a mirrored fashion. The bottom
    line is that mirror does the work of copying and placing part and
    sometimes reestablishing mates. There is no doubt that a lot of labor
    can be saved from this alone. But it is not going to behave like a
    mate in that locations will update if geometry changes. That is what
    the mates are for. Some kind of batch mating tools is still needed to
    finish what mirror generaly can do a good job of starting.

    TOP, Jun 16, 2007
  6. Just curious, where has swx stated "SW only states that mirror places parts
    in approximately the right location" ?

    That would seem to be antithetical to the option in the mirror copy dialog
    that states "Recreate mates to new components" (which, of course, has never

    Even though real mirroring would be a very powerful function (much more than
    all the gimmick stuff they've been adding for years), I think the
    programming of it apparently hit the wall years ago, and swx has given up on
    it. Maybe it was a contract dispute with whoever was supposed to create the
    mod. For years now, swx as been extremely tight lipped about it.

    bill allemann, Jun 16, 2007
  7. John H

    TOP Guest

    I think the quote was more exactly, "SW only states that mirror places
    parts in visually the right location"

    That comment was passed down from a VAR. It won't be found in help or
    anywhere else. I think it can be verfied by making an assembly and
    then using the measure tool to determine locations of unmated mirrored
    parts. So even using fix part might not yield expected results. Any
    written reference to this would be through the vague stipulation in
    the EULA that the customer must determine whether SW is suitable for
    their purposes which is what a lot of experienced SW users do. Ed
    Eaton and Matt Lombard come to mind as good examples of this.

    SW is like the weather, you can listen to what the weatherman says or
    carry an umbrella. You will be drier if you carry an umbrella.

    TOP, Jun 17, 2007
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